Предмет: Литература, автор: zekazaw

помогите написать сочинение на тему фантастика в произведениях гоголя


Автор ответа: greytseririna
Уже давно установлено, что основа комического у Гоголя - это карнавальность, то есть такая ситуация, когда герои как бы надевают маски, проявляют непривычные свойства, меняются местами и все кажется перепутанным, перемешанным. На этой основе и возникает очень своеобразная гоголевская фантастика, уходящая корнями в глубины народной культуры.Гоголь вошел в русскую литературу как автор сборника «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки». Материал повестей поистине неисчерпаем: это устные рассказы, легенды, байки и на современные, и на исторические темы. «Лишь бы слушали да читали, - говорит пасечник Рудый Панько в предисловии к первой части сборника, - а у меня, пожалуй, - лень только проклятая рыться, - наберется и на десять таких книжек».Праздник с его атмосферой вольности и веселья, связанные с ним поверья и приключения выводят людей из рамок привычного существования, делая невозможное возможным. Заключаются ранее невозможные браки («Сорочинская ярмарка», «Майская ночь», «Ночь перед Рождеством»), активизируется всякая нечисть: черти и ведьмы искушают людей, стремясь помешать им.Фантастика в «Вечерах...» этнографически достоверна. Герои и рассказчики невероятных историй верят, что вся область непознанного населена нечестью, а сами «демонологические» персонажи показаны Гоголем в сниженном, обытовленном обличье. Они тоже «малороссияне», только живут на своей «территории», время от времени дурача обычных людей, вмешиваясь в их быт, празднуя и играя вместе с ними.Народная фантастика переплетена с реальностью, проясняя отношения между людьми, разделяя добро и зло. Как правило, герои в первом сборнике Гоголя побеждают зло. Торжество человека над злом - фольклорный мотив. Писатель наполнил его новым содержанием: он утверждал мощь и силу человеческого духа, способного обуздать темные, злые силы, которые хозяйничают в природе и вмешиваются в жизнь людей.
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Customs duties date back to Anglo-Saxon times when the King had a prerogative to take imported stores tor his use or impose tees or tolls on the movement of goods. Alter 1066, imported wine became liable to the King's Prize and exported wool and leather were subject to a duty.
A national Customs Service was established in 1203, and in 1275 Collectors were appointed at each principle port to receive the revenue. The system or canalisation was introduced, requiring goods to be landed or shipped only at approved quays. However, at various times in history, the monarch would sell the rights to collect Customs duty to a merchant (known as farming).
In 1303, Edward I introduced the Carta Mercatoria which placed Customs duties on a firmer footing, and introduced a levy on wine imported by foreigners, which was later extended to English merchants. This act also provided for the weighing at the wool scale or Kings Beam.
The Customs Service gradually developed over the next two hundred years. As many articles had become liable to duty, the first known Book of Rates was produced in 1507 (the forerunner of today's Tariff). Although collection of duties continued to be managed by the farmers were determined by the King and given force in the Book of Rates.
During the Civil War Parliament took control of the levying of Customs duties. New Books of Rates were published, covering many more goods, and duty was collected by Commissioners appointed by Parliament.
In 1660, duties were again farmed out. But the system of farming was open to abuse, bribery and loss of revenue and was finally abandoned in 1671, when the Board of Customs was instituted. In Scotland, duties continued to be farmed out until the 1707 Act of Union, when a Board of Commissioners for Customs was set up.
In 1666 the London Customs house was burned down in the Great Fire. The new building, designed by Sir Christopher Wren, incorporated a Long Room where merchants conducted business. The Long Room became a term within Customs and became a feature of subsequent Customs Houses across the country.
By 1787, the laws and rates of Customs duty had become very complex. William Pitt consolidated the law and substituted one rate of duty for each article.
Smuggling of dutiable goods became a serious problem of the time of the Continental wars at the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth century. To counteract smuggling, the Customs service built up a fleet of armed revenue cruisers for the preventive service. Waiting staff on the coast boarded vessels and took charge of landed goods and the riding corps rode inland to prevent smuggling. Together these made up the Waterguard and with strenuous efforts, major smuggling was suppressed in 1840.
The revenue services were rationalised in the 1820s. Excise import duties were transferred to the Customs and the Waterguard was renamed the Coast Guard. Alter the Crimean War the Coast Guard was transferred to the Admiralty, but at the end of the nineteenth century a special Waterguard force was reintroduced by the Board of Customs to combat smuggling. This has remained the uniformed branch, known today as the Preventive Service.
At about this time a detective section was formed to investigate conspiracies to defraud the revenue and follow contraband inland. This is the forerunner of the present Investigation Division.
In 1823 the English and Scottish Boards of Customs were combined, along with the Irish Customs, and in 1829 the subordinate boards in Edinburgh and Dublin were wound up. Since then all administration has been controlled from London.​