Предмет: Экономика, автор: ne2k

какое будет ситуация на рынке при цене Р= 4,5 руб


Автор ответа: уМниЧкА9705

а можно поконкретнее? при цене чего? вроде как задачу выложили не до конца. нужно рассчитать рыночную равновесную цену и рыночный равновесный объем.после того,как найдешь рыночную равновесную цену, нужно будет построить кривую спроса  и предложения и с их помощью определить,какая ситуация возникнет на рынке:дефицит или недостаток

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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ilonabelousova1
Пожалуйста помогите!!!
1) Письменно перевести текст.
Education is very important in our life. An educated person is one who knows a lot about many things. He always tries to learn, find out and discover more about the world around him. He gets knowledge at school, from books, magazines, from TV educational programs. The pupils can get deeper knowledge in different optional courses in different subjects and school offers these opportunities. They can deepen and improve their knowledge by attending different optional courses in different subjects. The result of the educative process is the capacity for further education.
Nowadays the students of secondary schools have opportunities to continue their education by entering gymnasiums, lyceums, colleges. But the road to learning is not easy. There is no royal road to learning. To be successful in studies one must work heard. It's for you to decide to learn and make progress or not to learn lose your time.
The role of foreign languages is also increasing today. Thanks to the knowledge of foreign languages one can read books, magazines in the original, talk to foreigners, translate various technical articles. Moreover, joint ventures which have recently appeared in our country need specialists with profound knowledge of foreign languages like English, German or French. To know foreign languages is absolute necessary for every educated person, for good specialists.
English is a world language. It is the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relations, commerce and business. It's the language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It's also the major language of diplomacy. Geographically it is the most widespread language on earth.
A foreign language is not just a subject learnt in the classrooms. It's something which is used in real life situations. There are many reasons why we begin to study foreign languages. First of all it's an effective medium of international communication. I'm convinced if we are working in any brunch of science we must read books and magazines in other languages. Learning foreign languages opens up opportunities and career that didn't even exit some years ago. Knowing foreign languages can help us to find a job in such fields as science and technology, foreign trade and banking, international transportation communication, teaching librarian science and others. A more general aim is to make our intellectual and cultures. Learning a foreign language includes learning culture, traditions and mode of thought of different people. Of course speaking and writing in a foreign language is a difficult art and it has to be learned. Needless to say that English has become very popular today. About 350 million people speak English as their first language. About the same number use it as a second language. It's an official language in 44 countries. It's the dominant language of medicine, electronics and space technology, international business and advertising, radio.
2) Переведите лексику из текста на английский: образовательные программы, важный, углубиться, обнаружить больше, дополнительные курсы, воспитательный процесс, быть успешным в исследованиях, в оригинале, мировой язык, наука, техника, культурные отношения, изучение культуры, использовать в качестве второго языка, медицина, реклама.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: ktrapeznikova0609