Предмет: Русский язык, автор: DIm4IK007

Морфологический разбор слов:




на чужбине




Автор ответа: qw78as45

1.на чужбине-сущ[что?]


3.ж.р 1 склонение

4.П.п ед.ч


Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vorovaiki
Вопросы касаемо CONTINIOUS и PERFECT Заранее спасибо большое. Надеюсь когда то вам капнет денежка за вашу помощь)

І. Знайдіть у реченнях і випишіть форми герундія та дієприкметника. Перекладіть речення, які містять герундій та дієприкметник, українською мовою. Для правильного перекладу треба зважати на функцію цих неособових форм дієслова у реченні. 1. All the workers operating this equipment must read the instructions and follow them. 2. The exported products are very reliable and easy in operation. 3. Whichis the quickest way of getting from one part of the city to another? 4. Being very careful, he never drives dangerously. 5. She couldn't help telling her friends about her trip toSpain. 6. -Have you finished writing your report? -No, I'm still working on it. 7. Bob is fond of playing tennis.

II. Перекладіть речення рідною мовою. Зверніть увагу на мовні ситуації, у яких вживаються форми Continuous 1. We were discussing the draft contract when you phoned. 2. -What time are you going to be in the office? -Very soon. I'm leaving in 5 minutes. 3. We are having a lot of work this month. Our firm is signing an important contract with a foreign company. 4. -I must go now. -When will we be meeting you again? 5. Yesterday I took the visitors to our plant. They were examining our new assembly shop from 3 til! 5 p.m. 6. -How long are you going to stay in this hotel?-Two qr three days.,

III. Перекладіть речення, звертаючи увагу на переклад дієслів у часах групи Perfect. 1. -Why haven't you asked somebody to call the firm manager and cancel the appointment? 2. After the Director had introduced the visitors to each other, they all went to the demonstration hall of the factory. 3. I've already looked for my telephone book everywhere I can't find it anywhere 4. I hope they will already have tested the equipment in operation by the end of the week. 5. -Have they finished preparations for the opening ceremony yet? -No, they haven't. They are still busy getting it ready. 6. He has just presented his report on this important subject. 7. When I came to work in the morning I found the office computer operating. Somebody hadn't switched it off.