Предмет: Литература, автор: Аноним

какие мысли и чувства  выразил поэт в этом стихотворение 



Лошади умеют плавать

Но - не хорошо. Недалеко.

"Глория" - по-русски - значит "Слава",-
Это вам запомнится легко.

Шёл корабль, своим названьем гордый,
Океан стараясь превозмочь.

В трюме, добрыми мотая мордами,
Тыща лощадей топталась день и ночь.

Тыща лошадей! Подков четыре тыщи!
Счастья все ж они не принесли.

Мина кораблю пробила днище
Далеко-далёко от земли.

Люди сели в лодки, в шлюпки влезли.
Лошади поплыли просто так.

Что ж им было делать, бедным, если
Нету мест на лодках и плотах?

Плыл по океану рыжий остров.
В море в синем остров плыл гнедой.

И сперва казалось - плавать просто,
Океан казался им рекой.

Но не видно у реки той края,
На исходе лошадиных сил

Вдруг заржали кони, возражая
Тем, кто в океане их топил.

Кони шли на дно и ржали, ржали,
Все на дно покуда не пошли.

Вот и всё. А всё-таки мне жаль их -
Рыжих, не увидевших земли.


подбери синонимы 
 гордый, счастье.


подбери антонимы к выражению на исходе 


Автор ответа: ksuksu7

На исходе сил -  прибыв сил.

Гордый - высокомерный.

Счастье- благополучие


 А втору жалко лошадей. Рыжих, не увидевших земли.


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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: 99Алексей99
Сделать качественный перевод текста.
Michael Faraday, one of the greatest men of science, had little chance to get an education. His father was a blacksmith, and Faraday was born to work with his hands too. When thirteen years of age, he went as apprentice to learn bookbinding. He read many of the books he had to bind. Once when binding an encyclopedia he ran across an article on electricity. It struck his imagination and aroused his interest. With the little money he could save, he bought a cheap and simple apparatus and set to make experiments. He attended the lectures of Humphry Davy, an outstanding scientist and the most popular lecturer in London at that time. It was Davy who helped Faraday to become assistant at the laboratory of the Royal Institute and to get a profound knowledge of the subject. While still an assistant, he helped Davy to create a safety lamp for miners. He learned chemistry, he was working on the problem of turning gases into liquids. An important discovery of Faraday was benzol which he separated from condensed oil gas, and which since then found world-wide application. For several years he is known to have been working at the problem of a perfect optical glass and to have made a glass that greatly improved the telescope.
Yet the problem of electricity and magnetism interested him above all. All the scientific world had known by that time if current runs through a copper wire wound around a piece of iron, the iron becomes a magnet. If electricity magnetizes, why won't magnetism electrify? That was the question Faraday asked himself over and over. For a long time he tried different experiments to solve the problem. At last in 1831 he made his major discovery in the field of electricity - the electromagnetic induction.
Among a number of other discoveries he is also known to have measured electric current for the first time, and to have made several important observations on the conductivity of different materials.
Although Faraday enjoyed world-wide popularity, he remained a modest man, never wanting either to accept high titles or to get any money out of his numerous discoveries. He was one of those great men who made possible the age of electricity in which we live, all the marvels it brings us and all those it may bring to the future generations.