Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: AlinaK1888
Exercise XII. Translate into English.
а) 1. Вы были вчера в министерстве? – Да. – Когда вы были там? – Я там был после 12 часов. А где вы были вчера? – Я вчера не был в министерстве. Я был на заводе. – Что вы там делали? – Я обсудил там много вопросов с молодыми инженерами. – С кем вы были там? – Я был там со своим другом. – Вы вернулись в министерство или поехали домой? – Мы поехали домой.
b) 1. Этот студент не знает пятого урока. 2. Когда ваш инженер приехал в Москву? – Он приехал в Москву три дня тому назад. 3. Кто поехал в Киев, чтобы принять немецкую делегацию? – Зотов. 4. Борис прочитал четвертое предложение очень хорошо. 5. Пойдите к доске и напишите шестое предложение! 6. Студент пошёл к доске, написал предложение, прочитал его и вернулся к своему столу. 7. Какое упражнение вы вчера писали дома? – Мы писали двадцатое упражнение. 8. Поговорите об этом с нашим менеджером. Он вчера вернулся из Лондона. 9. Кто был на вашем собрании вчера? – Представители мэрии. 10. Как ваши студенты говорили по-английски в прошлом году? 11. Когда приезжала в Одессу ваша сестра? – Она приезжала на прошлой неделе. Вчера она уехала домой. 12. Что вы делали вчера во время урока? – Мы читали тексты, говорили по-английски, писали упражнения и переводили предложения с русского языка на английский. 13. Кто знал об этих телеграммах? – Мы. 14. Когда вы прочитали это письмо? – Мы прочитали его вчера. 15. О чём вы разговаривали с представителями этой фирмы?
Автор ответа:
a) 1. Were you last in the Ministry? Yes. – When were you there? – I was there after 12 hours. Where were you yesterday? – Yesterday I was not in the Ministry. I was at the factory. – What were you doing there? – I discussed many questions with young engineers. – With whom were you there? I was there with a friend. – You returned to the Ministry or go home? – We went home.
b) 1. This student does not know the fifth lesson. 2. When your engineer came to Moscow? – He arrived in Moscow three days ago. 3. Who went to Kiev to accept the German delegation? – Zotov. 4. Boris read the fourth sentence very well. 5. Go to the Board and write the sixth sentence! 6. A student went to the blackboard, wrote a sentence, read it and returned to his Desk. 7. What exercise yesterday you wrote home? We wrote the twentieth exercise. 8. Talk about it with our Manager. He returned yesterday from London. 9. Who was at your meeting yesterday? – Representatives of the city hall. 10. As your students spoke English last year? 11. When I came to Odessa was your sister? – She came last week. Yesterday she went home. 12. What were you doing yesterday during the lesson? We were reading texts that spoke English, wrote exercises and translating sentences from Russian into English. 13. Who knew about these telegrams? – We. 14. When you read this letter? We read it last night. 15. What did you talk about with the representatives of this firm?
b) 1. This student does not know the fifth lesson. 2. When your engineer came to Moscow? – He arrived in Moscow three days ago. 3. Who went to Kiev to accept the German delegation? – Zotov. 4. Boris read the fourth sentence very well. 5. Go to the Board and write the sixth sentence! 6. A student went to the blackboard, wrote a sentence, read it and returned to his Desk. 7. What exercise yesterday you wrote home? We wrote the twentieth exercise. 8. Talk about it with our Manager. He returned yesterday from London. 9. Who was at your meeting yesterday? – Representatives of the city hall. 10. As your students spoke English last year? 11. When I came to Odessa was your sister? – She came last week. Yesterday she went home. 12. What were you doing yesterday during the lesson? We were reading texts that spoke English, wrote exercises and translating sentences from Russian into English. 13. Who knew about these telegrams? – We. 14. When you read this letter? We read it last night. 15. What did you talk about with the representatives of this firm?
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