Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: swetachepkasow
Дано 2 текста и вопросы к ним, на какие из вопросов есть ответы в текстах
1) Сколько длится учебный год?
2) Сколько семестров в школьном году? (у слова Term много смыслов, если применительно к школе, то это вроде наших четвертей)
3) Сколько длятся летние каникулы?
4) Сколько длится урок?
5) Сколько предметов изучают ученики?
6) Дают ли ученикам домашнее задание?
7) Как ученики добираются до школы?
8) Сдают ли ученики тесты?
Children at secondary school study ten subjects. The main subjects are English, maths and science. Children get homework every day. They often have homework for four different subjects. There are three school terms in Britain: autumn, spring and summer terms. Holidays can be at different times in different regions.The schools usually have ten days in the first term, ten days in the second term and six weeks in the summer.
In high school, American children study four or five main subjects and choose other subjects. The lessons are about an hour. The American school year isn't very long, it's about nine months, from early September to the first of June. American students are happy because there are many vacations in the school year. They have two weeks for spring vacation, two weeks for Christmas vacation and three months summer vacation. There are two semesters. In the USA, many children like to travel to and from school on yellow school buses, because buses are fan and children can meet with their friends there. In the first two years of high school, children write tests. They are not difficult but there are a lot of them.
Автор ответа:
Один три шесть восемь
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