Предмет: Английский язык, автор: sva25717

очень срочно 1)you cant expect .... in language learning.
2),,,, of past events are often more interesting than morden historians view of them
3 it was a .... to raise money for the famine victims
4)we made plans for the visit but ... with the car prevented it
5) im well aware how risky... is
6) it would improve our efficiency if we used more ....
7) i captured my baby daughters ... on film
8)the company has established a ...... for dealing with customers complaints
9)he has made an .... to the companys success
10)how can teachers help to bridge the ..... between parents and their teenage children?
11)every .... was rushed to the scene of the accident
12)he has broken the ... which is quite an achievement
13)one day man will tame ...
14)rembrandts ... are works of genius
15)they used to do their shopping in the ....

a) subsequent difficulties
b) new system
c) contemporary reports
d)first smile
e)wild nature
f)this investment
g) world record
h) rapid results
i)benefit concert
j) self-portraits
k)up-to-date methods
l)important contribution
m)generation gap
n)available ambulance


Автор ответа: GreyBoar

1)you cant expect .. h) rapid results in language learning.

2),, c) contemporary reports,, of past events are often more interesting than mordern historians view of them

3 it was a .. i)benefit concert to raise money for the famine victims

4)we made plans for the visit but . a) subsequent difficulties with the car prevented it

5) im well aware how risky. f)this investment is

6) it would improve our efficiency if we used more k)up-to-date methods

7) i captured my baby daughters .. d)first smile on film

8)the company has established a .. b) new system for dealing with customers complaints

9)he has made an . l)important contribution to the companys success

10)how can teachers help to bridge the m)generation gap between parents and their teenage children?

11)every . n)available ambulance was rushed to the scene of the accident

12)he has broken the .. g) world record which is quite an achievement

13)one day man will tame . e)wild nature

14)rembrandts . j) self-portraits.. are works of genius


15)they used to do their shopping in the … не хватает 1го выражения в списке


sva25717: спасибо большое
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