Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Dan256

Небольшое сочинение 50-60 слов на тему достопримечательности России на английском


Автор ответа: Anjelique
Every year millions of tourists visit Russia. There are many different reasons for travelling to Russia. First of all, it is the largest country in the world. Secondly, it is full of historical, architectural and natural wonders. Thirdly, Russia is a hospitable country, where visitors can easily feel at home. According to national traditions guests are always welcomed with bread and salt. With the population over 140 million people, Russia spans eleven time zones and two continents. The culture of the country contains western and eastern features. A visit to Russia can become a fascinating adventure. The cities that one should definitely visit include Moscow, Saint Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Sochi, Rostov-on-Don, and, of course, the “Golden Ring” towns. These places will help to learn more about rich Russian history. There are lots of museums, art galleries, historical monuments, ancient cathedrals, palaces of the czars. Apart from that, there are unique landscapes, endless forests, several mountain ranges and crystal-clear water reservoirs. Everyone can find something enjoyable to do in Russia. People, who like beach vacation, can visit the Black sea coast. People, who are fond of old architecture, prefer spending time in such cities as Vladimir, Suzdal, Murom, Ivanovo. Those, who like picturesque views, chose to visit Altai. To understand better the nature of Russian nation one should know its festivals and celebrations. One of the most favourite holidays in the country is Shrovetide, Maslenitsa in Russian. On this day people bake lots of pancakes and treat each other.
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Високий рівень (одне на вибір):
5. А) Написати пейзажний твір-замальовку на тему «Світ краси природи у
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Наведіть переконливі докази на підтвердження своєї думки, проілюструйте їх
прикладами з життя і творчості Т.Шевченка.
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