Предмет: Русский язык, автор: суперум97531

составьте с данными словами
Пять предложений или связный текст на тему летом в лесу или летом на реке



Автор ответа: Vanowano

Летом на опушке леса обычно светло и солнечно, щебечут чижи, у реки виднеются рыбаки с удочками. Любопытно  разглядывать их улов: маленькую щучку и ёршиков.  Свежий ветерок тем временем  как будто  поглаживает вершины сосен. И даже когда внизу уже не ощущаешь его дуновения, он продолжает шуметь в вышине.  Но необычайная тишина охватывает путника вошедшего в чащу леса. Здесь  легко забыться и почувствовать себя счастливым, как никогда.

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Open the brackets using an appropriate Present or Past Tense.
21. Watch carefully. First I _________________ (take) a bowl and ________________
(break) two eggs into it.
22. Nobody bothered to tell me that the school _____________________ (decide) to have a
special holiday that Friday.
23. Peter _____________________ (offer) me another drink but I decided I
______________________ (drink) enough.
24. Nobody ____________________ (watch) so the little boy ___________________ (take)
the packet of sweets from the shelf and _____________________ (put) it into his pocket.
25. I knew I _______________________ (do) well in my exams even before I
__________________________ (receive) the official results.
26. You three boys look guilty! What _____________________________ (you/do) since I
_____________________ (leave) the room?
27. It’s a long time since I ________________ (see) your brother Tom. What
___________________________ (he/do) lately?
28. Bill _________________ (get) that new job last month but he ___________________
(complain) about it ever since.
29. Sam _________________________ (not receive) the parcel the last time I
_______________________ (speak) to him.
30. How long __________________________ (you/live) in London? – Two years altogether
before moving to Italy.
31. Maria ________________________ (see) a doctor tomorrow about the rash she
____________________ (have) for years now.
32. You _______________________________ (forever/use) my razor, can’t you buy one of
your own?

33. People _________________________ (say) for ages that this building should be pulled
34. When Jenny _____________________ (check) that the children
_______________________ (sleep), she ______________________ (go) out to the concert.
35. He ____________________ (look) at his watch again and ______________________
(begin) to walk even faster.
36. By the time I ____________________ (come) to the party, most people
________________________ (go).
37. She walked into the station only to find that the train ______________________ (leave).
38. When she ______________________ (come) into the hall, everyone
___________________________ (start) cheering.
39. After they _________________________ (eat) all the food, they
____________________ (pick) up their bags and ___________________ (leave).
40. She took a bottle from the bag she __________________________ (carry) for hours.
41. By the smell in the room and his guilty expression I could tell that Alex
______________________________ (smoke) a cigar.
42. The principal called Carmen into his office because she ________________________
(not attend) classes.
43. Don’t try to hide your face. I see that you ________________________ (cry).
44. When I got home, water __________________________ (leak) through the roof and I
________________________ (have) to call a carpenter.
45. When I got home, everything was wet through. Water ___________________________
(leak) through the roof.