Предмет: Химия, автор: Sunnat1998


Окислительно-восстановительная реакция

Покажите решение пожалуйста полностью


Автор ответа: Misaki26



у кальция сначала заряд "0", потом "+2"

у серы сначала "+6", потом "+4"


Ca с зарядом "0" отдает 2 электрона и приобретает заряд "+2"

S с зарядом "+6" принимает 2 электрона и приобретает заряд "+4"


 поставь двойку перед водой и серной кислотой

Похожие вопросы
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: malika122
Как сделать
Hello, my dear. - cried the Vinegar witch. Welcome to my castle. Why have you come here?
- I'm looking for some magic mustard seeds. - said Sarah. They say somebody has stolen them. But some people say you have them. Is that true?
- Perhaps the people who say that are right. - said the witch and showed Sarah three boxes.
The magic seeds are in one of these boxes. - said the witch.
- Which one? - asked Sarah.
- We aren't going to tell her that, are we, Midnight? - said the witch. You must guess.
Sarah opened the smallest box and found a bag of mustard seeds inside.
- Excellent. - said the witch with an ugly smile.
Sarah ran out of the witch's castle in a great hurry. At last she got to palace.
- Here you are. - she said to the doctor. I have found them.
Now the prince pepper will feel better.
- Well done. - cried the doctor and queen Salt together.
The queen went to the kitchen. She came back a few minutes later with a sandwich on a silver plate. It was a ham sandwich with magic mustard in it. The prince began to eat. Suddenly his face went red. And he started to cry.
- What has happened? - cried his mother.
- Nothing. - answered the prince. But the mustard is so hot. I have never eaten such hot mustard. It is burning inside me.
Sarah said - That is why the witch smiled so nastily. Sara thought. But she didn't know I had magic water.
She gave the prince a silver cup with magic water and the prince felt fine.
- Why don't we have a party with everybody's favourite food? - he said and invited a lot of guests to Pepperpot Palace.
Answer the questions
1. Why did Sarah Sweet go to see the Vinegar witch?
2. What did the Vinegar witch tell Sarah about the magic mustard seds?
3. Who gave the prince magic mustard?
4. What has happened to the prince after he ate his sandwich?
5. What sort of party did the prince want to have?