Поможіть дуже потрібно коротко написати переказ твору на английском примерно 15 речень но не больших Буду дуже вдячна!!
The basic secondary education in Ukraine covers a period of 5 years plus 3 weeks of examinations at the end. The programme of studies is specified by the government. The pupils’ timetable includes core subjects and optional courses. Different lessons are given in different forms. Each subject is taught by a different teacher. Every discipline is taught from one to five lessons a week. The timetable is different every day. All the lessons are usually attended by the whole class. Pupils are divided into groups some lessons.
At the end of each thematic unit teachers conduct
a thematic evaluation in each subject. It is based on the students’ current
performance. The results are taken into account each semester. At the end of the ninth form all the students
take final examinations. They get the Certificate of Basic Secondary Education
at the age of 14 or 15.
This level of education is an important link in the system of education in