помогите написать эссе против содержания диких животных как домашних пожалуста очень надо . Зарание спасибо
Unlike animals such as cats, dogs, cows, horses and others that man tamed many centuries ago and made his assistants, wild animals have a slightly different type of human perception. Cautious attitude to people and fear of them was developed by representatives of wild fauna for centuries.
Wild animals kept at home will behave as if they were in a natural environment. It should be remembered, for example, that raccoon has a very large force and can easily move even the furniture. Foxes are almost impossible to make domestic animals, and minks have a negative attitude to the attempts of man to take them in arms.
In addition, difference in wild and domestic animals is great in their diet. Most species of wild animals are focused on the natural diet. So the content of food of wild animals at home often leads to various diseases and deaths even if they have a close to the natural, for these species of wild fauna, menu. For wild animals to feel good, and be active and healthy at home, you must give live food. Insects, a variety of fruits and meat should be provided for when feeding wild animals.
Thus, we conclude that these differences between domestic and wild animals are the reason that the maintenance of a wild animal at home is connected with lots of difficulties and great responsibility of humans.