Предмет: Английский язык, автор: supergamerlev

Напишите основу текста "как выглядит моя семья "(на английсском). HELP!!!


Автор ответа: ZdyDafRe
My brother have blue eays, short nose, dark hair (И так про всех) слова blue синий yellow жёлтый brown коричневый нос nose tall длиный short короткий eays глаза ears уши (my family is very funny and frendly

ZdyDafRe: ок ща
ZdyDafRe: tall высокий
ZdyDafRe: short короткий
ZdyDafRe: nose нос
ZdyDafRe: mouth рот
ZdyDafRe: eays глаза
supergamerlev: более обобщённо
ZdyDafRe: жёлтый yellow
supergamerlev: что-бы получился не огромной текст, f yt,jkmijq vjyjkju
supergamerlev: небольшой монолог
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: nkanta4433

1 Read the text and mark the following statements «True» or «False».
Darkness falls over a small village in Kenya. Kenya is a country inAfrica. The people who live here are herders, and their cows are restingin a nearby wooden cattle-pen. All is quiet. Suddenly the cows raise theirheads. They feel something is outside their pen. It’s a female lion readyto break in and attack. Her sharp claws rip at the walls of the pen. Thefrightened cows run in different directions. The lioness tears through thefence and races toward the nearest cow. All the noise wakens the herders.They run to the pen, but they’re too late. One cow is dead, and thelioness is gone. Scared off by the herders, she left her prey behind. Thelioness returns to her two hungry cubs without a fresh kill. They greether and rub their faces against hers, but she cannot stay long. She hasto hunt again so her cubs won’t go hungry.The herders wait for the lioness to return. Losing livestock to lionsis a big deal for these herders, as cows, sheep and goats are like moneyfor them. They use the animals to pay for what they need. If one iskilled, life becomes harder for the herders.

True False
1 The author sets his piece in an Africancountry.
2 In this context the word pen means shed forcattle.
3 Lions hunt only in the daytime.
4 The lioness successfully captured her prey.
5 The cubs depend only on the male lion.
6 The lioness feeds the cow to her hungrycubs.
7 The lioness cannot stay long with her cubs.
8 Herders kill lions for sport.
9 Livestock means farm animals.
10 Livestock is used as currency among theKenian people.
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