Предмет: Английский язык, автор: плпаа

как я провел это лето мини соченение на английском


Автор ответа: ААРЛОК
I spend the summer holidays at my grandmother . There are many things to do there . What I did most of the time - I was swimming in the sea and sunbathing . Sometimes I made ​​a fire with his friends on the beach and cooked potatoes there. It was wonderful. We told jokes to each other , and did everything we wanted. I also used to walk alone in the woods .
Автор ответа: Lincik
This summer was definitely the best one I've ever had. I went to the summer camp, where I found a lot  of friends. We had so much fun together. Loved swimming in the pool. I also went for a vacation with my family. You know, it's such a great experience when you can practice English during summer. I've taken so many great pictures. There was a person, who wanted to get a photoshoot, and pay me money haha:) ( это необязательно писать). I also was working to get some money to visit my friends in United States. Even with all my work, I had a lot of free time to hang out with my friends, and we had some parties as well. Want this summer to repeat again!
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3. Прочитайте фрагмент из рассказа И. Бунина «Куст сирени». Как он соотно- сится с темой урока, Устно изложите содержание повествования от 3-го лица. До сих пор все экзамены сошли благополучно, и только одному богу да жене Алмазова было известно, каких страшных трудов они стоили... Начать с того, что самое поступление в академию казалось сначала невозможным. Два года подряд Алмазов торжественно проваливался и только на третий упорным трудом одолел все препятствия. Не будь жены, он, может быть, не найдя в себе достаточно энергии, махнул бы на всё рукою. Но Верочка не давала ему падать духом и постоянно поддерживала в нём бодрость... Она приучилась встречать каждую неудачу с ясным, почти весёлым лицом. Она отказывала себе во всём необходимом, чтобы создать для мужа хотя и дешёвый, но всё-таки необходимый для занятого головной работой человека комфорт. Она бывала, по мере необходимости, его переписчицей, чертёжницей, чтицей, репетиторшей и памятной книжкой.​
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: bowixuru
Вставить слова в скобках в нужной форме..
The world’s first electronic computer (1) ________________ (build) at the University of
Pennsylvania in 1946, although computer-like machines (2) _____________ (invent) much
Computers (3) ______________ (sell) commercially for the first time in the 1950s, and a lot of
progress (4) _______________ (make) since then. Computers are now much smaller and more
powerful and they can (5) _____________ (buy) much more cheaply.
Computers (6) _______________ (apply) in many fields – in business, science, medicine and
education, for example. They can (7) ______________ (use) to forecast the weather or control
robots which make cars. The computer’s memory is the place where information (8)
______________ (keep) and calculations (9) ______________
A computer cannot think for itself – it must (10) ________________ (tell) what to do. A lot of
difficult calculations can (11) _______________ (do) very quickly on a computer.
And computers (12) ______ never ___________ (mistake).
Stories (13) ________ sometimes ___________ (hear) about computers paying people too much
money or sending them bills for things they didn’t buy. These mistakes (14) ______________
(make) by the programmers – the people who give the computer its
instructions. Some years ago a computer-controlled rocket belonging to the USA went out of
control and had to (15) _________________ (destroy). The accident (16) _______________
(cause) by a small mistake in one line of the programme. This mistake cost the USA $18 million.
Criminals have found out that computer crimes are often a lot easier than robbing banks.
Hundreds of millions of dollars (17)
_____________ (steal) from American businesses every year by people changing the
information in computers.
Large numbers of home computers (18) ________________ (sell) recently, especially in the
USA and Britain. People know more about computers than they used to, and computers are
playing a bigger part in our lives. Progress (19) _________________(make) all the time
It (20) _______________ (believe) we can look forward to the day when even our household
jobs like cleaning (21) ________________ (do) by computer-controlled robots.