Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Аноним
вот текст на русском Марк Твен (1835-1910) - это псевдоним Сэмюэла Longhorne Клеменс, один из величайших американских писателей 19 века. Своей знаменитой книге "Приключения Тома Сойера" пользуется популярностью у миллионов читателей. Книга полна Приключения Тома и его друзей. Том Сойер-мальчик который живет с младшим братом Сидом и Полли в Санкт-Петербурге, город на реке Миссисипи.
• В тот день том Сойер чувствовал себя мрачным. Они называли его одиноким. Никто не заботился о нем. Он считал, что никто не любил его. Том плакал. Он оглянулся на дома, свою школу и снова заплакала. Он думал о том, как недружелюбно, как холодно, что мир был. Как раз в этот момент он столкнулся с Джо Гарпером своего старого друга. Глаза Джо были красные. Он выглядел несчастным-его мать наказала его пить крем
Ребята рассказали о своих общих проблемах и решили бежать из города. Недалеко от города на Великой реке Миссисипи был плот. Они могли путешествовать по воде долгий остров называется остров Джексона. Никто не мог найти там мальчиков.
Часом позже Гек Финн, бродяга, также присоединился к ним. Плана ребят: чтобы греть еду из дома, чтобы встретиться в полночь возле плот, чтобы сбежать из города, чтобы жить счастливой жизнью на острове, как пираты.
Ночь была темная, и до сих пор. Великая река похожа на океан. В полночь том был на секретном месте с куском ветчины. Через минуту трое друзей нашли друг друга в темноте и были на плоту. В два часа ночи молодые пираты пришли на остров и первое плавание закончилось.
Усталые, но счастливые, они развели костер и поджарил немного бекона.
Как это было романтично: вода, звезды, бекон, свобода, друзья...
"Не в большой?", сказал Джо.
"Это замечательно!", сказал Том. "Что ребята говорят?"
"Они будут просто умирать здесь!"
"Для меня это просто жизнь", - сказал Том. "Вы не вставать рано, не моют, не ходят в школы. Вы только расслабьтесь и наслаждайтесь".
Вдруг сказал Гек, " что делать с пиратами делать?"
Том ответил: "о, они просто имеют время принять хулиган судов, получить деньги и спрятать их в ужасные места".
"Какие ужасные места?"
"Где-то на острове. Где есть много привидений".
Постепенно их разговор умер, мальчики, заснул. В ту ночь они мечтали о приключениях, путешествиях, первые впечатления от новой жизни.
А вот вопросы надо ответить на английском
Why did Tom decide to escape from the town?
Why were Joe's eyes red?
Where did the boys decide to travel?
What were their impressions about their new life?
What did the boys dream about that night?
Have you ever played pirates?
What can happen in the town in the morning?
Автор ответа:
Mark TWAIN (1835-1910) is the pseudonym of Samuel Longhorne Clemens, one of the greatest American writers of the 19th century. His famous
the book "the adventures of Tom Sawyer" is popular with millions of readers. Book full of adventures of Tom and his friends. Tom Sawyer is a boy who lives with his younger brother sid and Polly in St. Petersburg, a city on the Mississippi river.
• That day Tom Sawyer feel gloomy. They called him lonely. No one cared about him. He believed that no one loved him. Tom was crying. He looked back at the house, their school, and again cried. He thought about how unfriendly, how cold the world was. Just at that moment he was faced with Joe Harper his old friend. Joe's eyes were red. He looked miserable, his mother punished him to drink the cream
The guys talked about their common problems and decided to flee the city. Near the town on the great Mississippi river was a raft. They could travel on water for long island is called the island of Jackson. No one could find the boys.
An hour later, Huck Finn, a tramp, also joined them. Plan for the guys to warm the food out of the house to meet at midnight near a raft to escape from the city to live a happy life on the island as pirates.The night was dark and still. A great river like the ocean. At midnight, Tom was in a secret place with a piece of ham. A minute later the three friends found each other in the dark and was on a raft. At two o'clock the young pirates came to the island and maiden voyage ended.
Tired but happy, they lit a fire and fried some bacon.
How romantic it was: water, stars, bacon, freedom, friends...
"Not great?", Joe said.
"This is wonderful!" Tom said. "What are you guys talking about?"
"They'll just die here!"
"For me it's just life," said Tom. "You don't get up early, do not wash, do not go to school. You just relax and enjoy".
Suddenly said Huck, " what do pirates do?"
Tom replied, "Oh, they just have the time to take the bully ships, to get money and hide them in a terrible place."
"What dreadful place?"
"Somewhere on the island. Where there are a lot of ghosts."
Gradually their conversation died, the boys fell asleep. That night they dreamed of adventure, travel, first impressions of a new life.
the book "the adventures of Tom Sawyer" is popular with millions of readers. Book full of adventures of Tom and his friends. Tom Sawyer is a boy who lives with his younger brother sid and Polly in St. Petersburg, a city on the Mississippi river.
• That day Tom Sawyer feel gloomy. They called him lonely. No one cared about him. He believed that no one loved him. Tom was crying. He looked back at the house, their school, and again cried. He thought about how unfriendly, how cold the world was. Just at that moment he was faced with Joe Harper his old friend. Joe's eyes were red. He looked miserable, his mother punished him to drink the cream
The guys talked about their common problems and decided to flee the city. Near the town on the great Mississippi river was a raft. They could travel on water for long island is called the island of Jackson. No one could find the boys.
An hour later, Huck Finn, a tramp, also joined them. Plan for the guys to warm the food out of the house to meet at midnight near a raft to escape from the city to live a happy life on the island as pirates.The night was dark and still. A great river like the ocean. At midnight, Tom was in a secret place with a piece of ham. A minute later the three friends found each other in the dark and was on a raft. At two o'clock the young pirates came to the island and maiden voyage ended.
Tired but happy, they lit a fire and fried some bacon.
How romantic it was: water, stars, bacon, freedom, friends...
"Not great?", Joe said.
"This is wonderful!" Tom said. "What are you guys talking about?"
"They'll just die here!"
"For me it's just life," said Tom. "You don't get up early, do not wash, do not go to school. You just relax and enjoy".
Suddenly said Huck, " what do pirates do?"
Tom replied, "Oh, they just have the time to take the bully ships, to get money and hide them in a terrible place."
"What dreadful place?"
"Somewhere on the island. Where there are a lot of ghosts."
Gradually their conversation died, the boys fell asleep. That night they dreamed of adventure, travel, first impressions of a new life.
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