Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Vanilka45

Слова, образованные, от застывших частей речи.


Автор ответа: rjrbfbdsskdddn
например: наотмашь. раньше, скорее всего, было: предлог 'на' + существительное отмашь, потом срослось в одно наречие

Vanilka45: Допустим, вдаль- из предлога в и сущ даль
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Предмет: Биология, автор: Werice
Із перелічених ознак виберіть ті, що характеризують клас Хрящові риби, запишіть цифри цих ознак у рядок.
1. Скелет утворений хрящовою тканиною.
2. Хрящові риби поширені виключно у солоних водоймах
3. Скелет підрозділяється на хребет, череп, скелет плавців (кінцівок) та їхніх поясів.
4. Череп відсутній
5. Є непарні плавці
6. Непарних плавців нема
7. Є парні плавці – грудні й черевні
8. Зябрових кришок нема
9. Є зяброві кришки
10. Є плавальний міхур
11. Плавального міхура нема
12. Серця нема, є черевна та спина аорти
13. Серце двокамерне – передсердя та шлуночок
14. Кишечник поділений на відділи
15. Кишечник не диференційований на відділи
16. Органами дихання є зябра.
17. Нервова система складається з спинного та головного мозку
18. Запліднення зовнішнє
19. Орган слуху представлений внутрішнім вухом
20. Запліднення внутрішнє, характернее яйцеживонародження або живонародження.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Katrin1111113

2.а) Leta: Now, I've got two teenage sons and I'm the parent. We get on well and they even like some of my music. They spend ALL their life on their laptops. They log on and spend hours online before logging off again. I use computers, too but I don’t use them all the time. What can I do? Posted 07/04/18 at 19:20 p.m.
б) MegaMix: So, you've noticed, Leta! We're the first digital generation and we multitask all the time. We have real-time chats online with our friends or post messages on their homepages. We upload music, photos and jokes to our webpages. We download music to our MP3 players or mobiles so we can listen to it offline. We play interactive computer games with people around the world. We surf the Net for our studies and log on websites to express our opinions. Posted 07/04/18 at 21.33 p.m.
в) Dr Psycho: Leta, your sons are part of “Generation Now”. Today's teens have grown up with the Net and, for them, the virtual world is as important as the real world. They are digital natives* and you are a digital immigrant**. Talk to your sons about what they do online and get online yourself! Go digital, too! Posted 07/04/18 at 22.12 p.m.
*Digital natives: people who were born after laptops, mobile phones, etc. became common (so from the early to mid-1990s).
**Digital immigrants: people born before their introduction, who have had to get used to this new technology.

Допишите слова, как они употреблены в упражнении 2.
Образец: 1) web___ - webpages,
2) web____, 3) home___, 4) lap___, 5) on___, 6) off___, 7) real___, 8) to ___load, 9) to up___, 10) to multi___.
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Katrin1111113
3. Определите, кому из блогеров принадлежит мнение (одно мнение лишнее).
1. “Teenagers use computers too much!”
2. “My parents were conservative when I was a teenager.”
3. “Life has changed a lot because of digital technology.”
4. “Our lives are very different from our parents.”
а) Leta: Now, I've got two teenage sons and I'm the parent. We get on well and they even like some of my music. They spend ALL their life on their laptops. They log on and spend hours online before logging off again. I use computers, too but I don’t use them all the time. What can I do? Posted 07/04/18 at 19:20 p.m.
б) MegaMix: So, you've noticed, Leta! We're the first digital generation and we multitask all the time. We have real-time chats online with our friends or post messages on their homepages. We upload music, photos and jokes to our webpages. We download music to our MP3 players or mobiles so we can listen to it offline. We play interactive computer games with people around the world. We surf the Net for our studies and log on websites to express our opinions. Posted 07/04/18 at 21.33 p.m.
в) Dr Psycho: Leta, your sons are part of “Generation Now”. Today's teens have grown up with the Net and, for them, the virtual world is as important as the real world. They are digital natives* and you are a digital immigrant**. Talk to your sons about what they do online and get online yourself! Go digital, too! Posted 07/04/18 at 22.12 p.m.
*Digital natives: people who were born after laptops, mobile phones, etc. became common (so from the early to mid-1990s).
**Digital immigrants: people born before their introduction, who have had to get used to this new technology.