Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Zedd11
СРОЧНО Нужен нормальный,связанный по смыслу перевод: WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT: BREAKING THROUGH THE “GLASS CEILING”
Maksimova A.
Tomsk Polytechnic University
Modern woman overstepped the limits of her traditional role of only homemaker, mother and wife, how it was some time ago. She began to strive to realize her potential not only in
family and children, but also outside the home. Nowadays women participation in business world and society. It is common to see woman working as a manager or executive, or even see her at the top of big successful company. The fact of that probably evokes the respect to the abilities and business. It evolved over the years that men give the best fit for the managing and top positions. It is a kind of stereotype, but it is so. Scientifically it is called “glass ceiling”
Glass ceiling is a term coined in the 1970s in the United States.
This term is used in different spheres. In management it is used for describing the invisible artificial barriers, created by attitudinal and organizational prejudices, which block women from senior executive positions. Whether this glass ceiling occurs in the workplace or in politics it is essentially a reflection of social and economic gender inequality.
This situation is referred to as a "ceiling" as there is a limitation blocking upward advancement, and "glass" (transparent) because the limitation is not immediately apparent and is normally an unwritten and unofficial policy. This invisible barrier continues to exist, even though there are no explicit obstacles keeping women from acquiring advanced job positions –
there are no advertisements that equal employment opportunity laws forbid this kind of
discrimination, and open admittance of it is career suicide –but they do lie beneath the surface. [5]
Автор ответа:
тут не все
ЖЕНЩИНЫ В УПРАВЛЕНИИ: пробития "стеклянный потолок" Максимовой Томский политехнический университет Современная женщина вышла за пределы своей традиционной роли только хранительницы домашнего очага, матери и жены, как это было некоторое время назад. Она начала стремиться реализовать свой потенциал.
ЖЕНЩИНЫ В УПРАВЛЕНИИ: пробития "стеклянный потолок" Максимовой Томский политехнический университет Современная женщина вышла за пределы своей традиционной роли только хранительницы домашнего очага, матери и жены, как это было некоторое время назад. Она начала стремиться реализовать свой потенциал.
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