Предмет: Русский язык, автор: alenakonovalov3

Напишите сочинение про Новый год, пожалуйста!
1)Чем похожи русские и британские праздники?
2)Какой из этих праздников вам нравится, и почему
3)Как вы его празднуете
(10-15 предложений)


Автор ответа: влад1711
Новый год -семейный праздник. В каждой стране свои порядки , свои обычия , но есть кое что общее между различными странами , например такими как Британия и Россия . Все семьями собираются у домашнего очага и ждут пока куранты пробьют 00:00 . Самый мой любимый праздник (как вы уже поняли) это новый год, потому что я люблю когда дома предновогодняя суета, все наряжают елку , украшают дом, готовят много вкусных блюд и в конце все нарядный и красивые собираются за общим столом и ждут полночи. Мы празднуем новый год с семьей , мама , папа , я и кот. Вообще новый год для меня - это волшебство. Всегда кажется , что именно в новогоднюю ночь сбудуться все мечты и случится , что то необычное и нежданное!

alenakonovalov3: Огромной, приогромное спасибо!
alenakonovalov3: Огромное*
влад1711: Да не за что)
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Really48

Нужно сделать пересказ по английски

Nearly everyone enjoys entertainment. The begin­nings of popular entertainment go back to prehistoric times, when dance, music and story-telling were very important.
The traditions of entertainment began in Ancient Greece about 2,500 years ago with the development of Greek drama. In those days festivals were organized to celebrate Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and new life, with song and dance. Later poets began to write stories for a large group of performers (a chorus and an actor to recite). Then another actor was introduced which made a dialogue between characters possible. There were two forms of classical Greek drama — tragedy and comedy.
The Romans continued the traditions of Greece and developed other kinds of entertainment as well. The be­ginnings of the circus are connected with gladiators fighting in public arenas.

In the Middle Ages the church considered entertain­ment and drama wrong, but by and by drama reap­peared with religious and moral plays.
In the time of Renaissance the theatre became less religious and there was a new interest in Greek and Ro­man drama. Common people preferred comedies per­formed by a travelling group of actors. At first, the ac­tors had no text, only an idea of what was going to hap­pen and had to improvise. They usually performed on high platforms in public places. The actors offered en­tertainment which included plays, songs and dances.
The Golden Age of Theatre began when the first spe­cial theatres were built. The first of such theatres was opened in London in 1652. Soon there appeared a few others including the famous Globe Theatre. Among the writers who worked for these theatres was William Shakespeare, one of the greatest dramatists in any lan­guage. Shakespeare gave his audience great literature but at the same time he gave them popular entertain­ment.
Nowadays people entertain themselves by listening to music, watching TV programmes, films and videos, going to concerts and circus shows but the theatre is still among our favourite entertainments