Предмет: Физика, автор: 13German20

Какая мощность расходуется машиной при движении со скоростью 10 м/с, если сила тяги - 10кН?


Автор ответа: тим7
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: gerasimovad23
!!!!СРОЧНО!!!! Помогите пожалуйста с английским!!! Вообще его не понимаю

Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.

1. AS System today announced a definite agreement to … MM Development in an all-stock transaction valued at approximately $ 3.4 billion.

a) obtain;

b) gain;

c) acquire;

d) attain.

2. In economics terms, goods are considered to be … if we consume more of them than are available.

a) sparse;

b) scarce;

c) rare;

d) meager.

3. Investment advisers always recommend that you … across the following categories: real estate, savings or money market accounts, bonds and other investments.

a) diversity;

b) expand;

c) spread;

d) vary.

4. It is expected that 180, 000 jobs in the financial services sector will be … to low-cost centres by 2010, according to a survey published today.

a) outsized;

b) outsold;

c) outspread;

d) outsourced.

5. Special … facilities make available to students an agreed amount on top of their bank balance; this needn’t be repaid until they are in full-time employment.

a) overdraft;

b) advance;

c) credit balance;

d) debit.

6. The number of times … is replenished in a year is generally calculated by dividing the annual usage by the average level.

a) list;

b) inventory;

c) account;

d) register.

Вопрос 2.
Your boss has given you this memo to check. In some lines there is one wrong word. If there is a wrong word, write the correct word on your Answer Sheet. If there is no mistake, put a tick (V) on your Answer Sheet.

… In view of the raising levels of absenteeism over the last 18
months, we … are carried out an initial investigation of the reason for
absence. The … mostly frequently reported causes are colds/flu, upset
stomachs … and back problems. However, managers suggest that other
causes, like … boring works, emotional and personal problems may also
be factors.
… Before our meeting I would like that you to check absentee figures for … your department since last year. This will gave us an overview of any trends. I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday.