His name is Danny-1. He be used at house.
Он очень красивый, сделан из блестящего белого метала. Голова у робота квадратный, вместо глаз вставлены лампочки.
Рот- дисковод, для дисков любых форматов.
Нос- разъем под флешку.
На туловище находятся динамики.
Двигается на шести колесах.
Включается и выключается с помощью кнопки, которая находится на его голове.
He will work with a use of batteries that are rechargeable.
To my mind robot can help us in the daily life.
Он загружает грязной посудой посудомоечную машину, может передвинуть мебель и поместить грязную одежду в стиральную машину.
Moreover, he can do all kinds of dirty and hard work as cleaning.
Thus, such robot can help people in different purposes.
His name is Danny-1. He be used at house.
It is very beautiful, made of shiny white metal. The head of the robot square, instead of eyes inserted light bulbs.
Mouth - drive, for discs of any format.
Nose - a connector USB flash drive.
On the body are speakers.
Moving on six wheels.
Turns on and off with a button, which is on his head.
He will work with a use of batteries that are rechargeable.
To my mind robot can help us in the daily life.
It loads the dirty dishes dishwasher, can move the furniture and put the dirty clothes in the washing machine.
More over, he can do all kinds of dirty and hard work as cleaning.
Thus, such robot can help people in different purposes.