Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: J9521
1. — Ты сможешь пойти с нами в театр?
— К сожалению, нет. Мне придется задержаться на работе до 7
2. — Ты навестил вчера Анну?
— Нет, мне пришлось остаться дома.
— Ты собираешься пойти к ней сегодня?
— К сожалению, нет. Мне предстоит поехать в аэропорт встречать г-на Брауна.
3. — Кто должен ехать в командировку в Петербург?
— Г-н Колосов должен был поехать туда, но он плохо себя
чувствует, и придется поехать мне.
— Когда ты едешь?
— Я смогу поехать только через два дня.
* * *
1. Что он сказал?
2. Что он сказал Вам?
3. Вы собираетесь выступить (говорить) на конференции?
4. Он рассказал нам много интересного о Лондоне.
5. О чем Вы собираетесь говорить?
6. Он сказал Вам что-нибудь важное?
7. Директор конторы сказал, что мы должны провести переговоры на этой неделе.
8. На уроках английского языка вы должны говорить только по-
Если вам нужно сделать покупки, идите на Новый Арбат. Это
одна из самых больших и известных торговых улиц Москвы. Она
привлекает покупателей со всей страны, а также зарубежных гостей.
Там вы можете купить все: продукты, книги, мужскую и женскую
одежду, обувь, электротовары.
На Новом Арбате находятся большие современные магазины и
универмаги и почти все они — магазины самообслуживания. В супермаркете всегда много покупателей, так как многие предпочитают покупать все продукты в одном магазине.
Вчера я зашла в универмаг “Москва”. Я хотела купить зимнюю
куртку. В универмаге был большой выбор курток разных фасо
нов и расцветок. Я примерила несколько курток и выбрала то,
что мне хотелось — синюю куртку хорошего качества и не
очень дорогую.
Автор ответа:
1. — You will be able to come with us to the theatre?
— Unfortunately, no. I have to stay at work until 7
2. — You visited yesterday, Anna?
— No, I had to stay home.
— Are you going to see her today?
— Unfortunately, no. I have to go to the airport to meet Mr. brown.
3. — Who needs to go on a business trip to St. Petersburg?
— Mr. Kolosov had to go there, but he's not feeling
feels and I have to go.
When are you going?
— I can go only in two days.
* * *
1. What did he say?
2. What did he tell You?
3. You are going to speak (speak) at the conference?
4. He told us many interesting things about London.
5. What are You going to say?
6. He told You something important?
7. The Director of the office said that we should hold talks this week.
8. In the English language you should speak only in
If you need to make a purchase, go to New Arbat. It
one of the biggest and famous shopping streets of Moscow. It
attracts buyers from across the country, as well as foreign guests.
There you can buy everything: food, books, men's and women's
clothes, shoes, electrical appliances.
On Novy Arbat are large modern shops and
Department stores — almost all self-service stores. In the supermarket there is always a lot of buyers, because many prefer to buy all products in one store.
Yesterday I went to the store “Moscow”. I wanted to buy a winter
jacket. The Department store had a large selection of different jackets Faso
new and colors. I tried on a few jackets and chose what
what I wanted — blue jacket of good quality and not
very expensive.
— Unfortunately, no. I have to stay at work until 7
2. — You visited yesterday, Anna?
— No, I had to stay home.
— Are you going to see her today?
— Unfortunately, no. I have to go to the airport to meet Mr. brown.
3. — Who needs to go on a business trip to St. Petersburg?
— Mr. Kolosov had to go there, but he's not feeling
feels and I have to go.
When are you going?
— I can go only in two days.
* * *
1. What did he say?
2. What did he tell You?
3. You are going to speak (speak) at the conference?
4. He told us many interesting things about London.
5. What are You going to say?
6. He told You something important?
7. The Director of the office said that we should hold talks this week.
8. In the English language you should speak only in
If you need to make a purchase, go to New Arbat. It
one of the biggest and famous shopping streets of Moscow. It
attracts buyers from across the country, as well as foreign guests.
There you can buy everything: food, books, men's and women's
clothes, shoes, electrical appliances.
On Novy Arbat are large modern shops and
Department stores — almost all self-service stores. In the supermarket there is always a lot of buyers, because many prefer to buy all products in one store.
Yesterday I went to the store “Moscow”. I wanted to buy a winter
jacket. The Department store had a large selection of different jackets Faso
new and colors. I tried on a few jackets and chose what
what I wanted — blue jacket of good quality and not
very expensive.
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