Хотя каждая культура отличается, существуют универсальные ценности---помогите написать сочинение на эту тему
Cultural value is called the material object (the object), in which it identifies the contents of spiritual values relevant to a wide range of actors, as individuals and various social groups (classes, corporations, religions, classes, Nations, or all of humanity)
Cultural valuesт
- moral and aesthetic ideals, norms and patterns of behavior - synonym: moral values
- languages, dialects and sub-dialects, national traditions and customs, historical toponyms, folklore, arts and crafts, works of art and culture is synonymous with the culture of
the results and methods of scientific research of cultural activity, having historical-cultural importance - scientific values, knowledge, science
-buildings, constructions, objects of objects (the cult), technology, unique in the historical and cultural respect of the territory and objects of historical value