Предмет: Русский язык, автор: 89515955447

В какой словообразовательной цепочке нарушена последовательность образования слов?
1) старый, стареть, устареть, устарелый
2) делить, делимый, неделимый,неделимость
3) глухой, глушить, оглушить, оглушительный
4) крепкий, крепить, закрепитель, закрепить


Автор ответа: SimSimi111
1)Стареть(потому что это слово в несовершеном виде
Автор ответа: Ирина1970rnd
В четвертой.Правильно так:крепкий-крепить-закрепить-закрепитель
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ПРОВЕРЬТЕ ПЕРЕВОД,ПОЖАЛУЙСТА Hi everyone. Today I will talk about depression and how to get rid of without
chemistry. For example, are you familiar with this situation?
When the grandchildren visited grandma and all of them are on their phones.
Smartphones, especially if they are used too often, may lead to teen depression.
This was the conclusion of American scientists from the University of
After analyzing the polls among adolescents, experts found that 48 percent of
adolescents using smartphones or tablets more than five hours a day have at
least one symptom of depression, while among those , who looked at the phone
screen for less than an hour day, there was only 28 percent.
However, the authors of the study themselves are not inclined to consider
alternative explanations for their results. In their opinion, smartphones are
highly likely to be the cause, not the consequence, of a tendency to depression.
At the same time, scientists do not believe that adolescents should be
completely prohibited from using the gadget, and urge not to considera
smartphone as the only or even the main cause of depression.
In addition, depression can be caused by:
Emotional problems
The trouble is that a person ceases to understand himself and ignores his
psychological damage
The tragic events that have recently been experienced can be a cause for great
social exclusion
Sometimes we unconsciously isolate ourselves from friends and relatives. So our
dislike for ourselves is revealed. Man is a social being, and for his psychological
comfort communication with other people is necessary.
If this happens, you need to find a way to change the situation: Get the support
of your loved ones or find some hobby for example needlework
In our age of computerization, the researchers drew attention to the fact that
needlework became for many a favorite hobby. People around the world increasingly choose their hobby of knitting, creating bijouterie, carving on wood and the rest. And it is not only that made with his hands firmly took a place in the world of fashion and style. The reason lies in psychology. People who are fond of needlework often smile, get less sick and enjoy life brighter, despite all problems. The doctor could confirm that it was needlework that affects the person so. During the exercises of creativity (and any needlework is creativity) in the human body is produced endorphin (hormone of happiness). And it is his lack in the body that leads to stress and depression. Don't believe scientists and doctors? Check out the studies on yourself.Choose what you like and forget about the bad mood. . Depending on your creativity, you can help your body fight certain diseases. Lace weaving- helps in convulsions, Knitting - with diseases of the nervous system Creation of decorations - in case of violation of metabolism, painful sensations, Sociologists, receiving the results of research, are ready to recognize the needlework of the panacea for all diseases that torments modern man. Medicine also does not stay aside and increasingly uses needlework as therapy. . What is important is that it really helps us. Perhaps in the future, suchi a hobby is recognized as a basic medicine. But today people understand without any evidence that needlework simply helps them to rejoice and enjoy life to forget about stress without chemistry