Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: dashakc31
Translate thefollowing sentences into English.
1. Нужно ли нам сдавать сочинение сегодня? – Нет, не нужно. Вы можете сдать его завтра.
2. Мне нужно подстричься и купить что-нибудь на ужин.
3. «Не уходите. Я должна угостить вас яблочным пирогом», - сказала м-с Смит.
4. Он, должно быть, не слышал, как в дверь позвонили.
5. Вы, вероятно, спали, когда это произошло.
6. Она, должно быть, задремала и не видела, как он вошёл в дом.
7. Очевидно, Генри готовится к вступительным экзаменам в университет.
8. Мальчики, должно быть, играют в футбол с утра.
9. Вероятно, он удивился, увидев её у Паркеров.
10. Сегодня я должен идти к зубному врачу: мне нужно запломбировать зуб.
11. Очевидно, они ждут вас у входа.
12. Наверное, спектакль будет отменен, так как актриса, играющая главную роль, заболела.
13. Она, вероятно, не увидела его в толпе и поэтому не ответила на его приветствие.
14. Он, должно быть, недоволен результатами эксперимента.
15. Мы должны назначить день и время для собрания.
16. Очевидно, вопрос будет решен завтра.
17. Должно быть, он болен: посмотрите, какой он бледный.
18. Несчастный случай, вероятно, произошел около 9 часов вечера.
19. Наверное, вас неправильно поняли.
20. Это выражение, должно быть, ей не знакомо. Дайте ей словарь.
21. Вы должны взять себя в руки и ответить на вопрос.
22. Должно быть, они не достали билеты на самолёт и поедут поездом.
23. Вероятно, он не согласился с Джорджем, и поэтому они поссорились.
Автор ответа:
Translate thefollowing sentences into English.
1. Do we need to take work today? - No no need. You can take it tomorrow.
2. I need a haircut and buy something for dinner.
3. "Do not go. I must buy you an apple pie, "- said Mrs. Smith.
4. He must not hear the doorbell rang.
5. You're probably asleep when it happened.
6. It must have dozed off and did not see how he entered the house.
7. Obviously, Henry is preparing for university entrance exams.
8. The boys must have played football in the morning.
9. Possibly, he was surprised to see her at the Parkers.
10. Today, I have to go to the dentist: I need to stop a tooth.
11. Obviously, they are waiting for you at the entrance.
12. Perhaps the play will be canceled, as the actress playing the lead role, was ill.
13. She probably did not see him in the crowd, and therefore did not respond to his greeting.
14. It must be dissatisfied with the results of the experiment.
15. We need to set a date and time for the meeting.
16. Obviously, the issue will be resolved tomorrow.
17. He must be sick: look how pale he was.
18. The accident probably occurred around 9 pm.
19. Perhaps you misunderstood.
20. This expression should be, she was not familiar. Give her a dictionary.
21. You have to pull yourself together and answer the question.
22. It must be that they did not get a plane ticket and go by train.
23. He probably did not agree with George, and so they had a falling out.
1. Do we need to take work today? - No no need. You can take it tomorrow.
2. I need a haircut and buy something for dinner.
3. "Do not go. I must buy you an apple pie, "- said Mrs. Smith.
4. He must not hear the doorbell rang.
5. You're probably asleep when it happened.
6. It must have dozed off and did not see how he entered the house.
7. Obviously, Henry is preparing for university entrance exams.
8. The boys must have played football in the morning.
9. Possibly, he was surprised to see her at the Parkers.
10. Today, I have to go to the dentist: I need to stop a tooth.
11. Obviously, they are waiting for you at the entrance.
12. Perhaps the play will be canceled, as the actress playing the lead role, was ill.
13. She probably did not see him in the crowd, and therefore did not respond to his greeting.
14. It must be dissatisfied with the results of the experiment.
15. We need to set a date and time for the meeting.
16. Obviously, the issue will be resolved tomorrow.
17. He must be sick: look how pale he was.
18. The accident probably occurred around 9 pm.
19. Perhaps you misunderstood.
20. This expression should be, she was not familiar. Give her a dictionary.
21. You have to pull yourself together and answer the question.
22. It must be that they did not get a plane ticket and go by train.
23. He probably did not agree with George, and so they had a falling out.
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