Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: probor25
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Плавание – вид спорта очень красивый и увлекательный. К тому же это очень полезный и одновременно приятный вид спорта, так как укрепляет все группы мышц, а также способствует расслаблению организма и вероятность получения травмы здесь достаточно мала.
История развития плавания имеет очень давние корни.
В древности культ воды был у всех народов. Люди почитали богов, которые повелевали водами (Посейдон, Нептун).
Наиболее ранние изображения, на которых показаны люди плывущие способами, похожими на брасс и кроль, относятся к IV – II вв. до н.э. Очень ценилось искусство плавания. Каждый год в Гермионе в честь праздника, посвященному богу морей, а с 1300 г. на Играх, устраиваемых на Истме у святилища Посейдона раз в два года, всегда проводились соревнования по плаванью.
Историк Геродот описал подвиг греческого ныряльщика Сциллиса, который потопил в 478 г. до н. э. Персидский флот. В бурю он подплыл к вражеским кораблям и перерезал держащие их якорные канаты из-за чего они разбились о скалы. Возвращаясь, герой плыл 5 км. и часто нырял, чтобы не быть замеченным персами. В честь подвига Сциллиса, его соотечественники поставили ему статую в Дельфах.
Умение хорошо плавать очень почиталось и во времена Римской империи. Римские войска имели на кораблях специально подготовленные отряды, в задачу которых входили ремонт подводной части судов и морская разведка.
В средние века рыцарь на своем посвящении, должен был продемонстрировать своё умение плавать в броне. Первая любительская школа плаванья была основана в 1785 г. в Париже. В России подобное заведение впервые появилось в 1825 г. в Петербурге.
Автор ответа:
Swimming is a sport very beautiful and fascinating. Moreover, it is very useful and at the same time enjoyable sport as strengthens all muscle groups, as well as promotes relaxation of the body and the likelihood of injury here is fairly small.
The history of the development of navigation has very deep roots.In ancient times the cult of water was all Nations. The people believed the gods that commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).The earliest image showing people floating ways similar to the breaststroke and the crawl, refer to IV – II centuries BC were Very much appreciated the art of swimming. Every year, at Hermione in honor of the holiday dedicated to the God of the sea, and 1300 on the Games, have Istme at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years, always held the swimming competition.
The historian Herodotus described the feat of a Greek diver of Scillies, which sank in 478 BC the Persian Fleet. In a storm he swam up to enemy ships and cut them holding the anchor ropes which they crashed on the rocks. Returning, the hero swam 5 km and often dived not to be seen by the Persians. In honor of the heroism of Scillia, his countrymen gave him the statue in Delphi.
The ability to swim well is very revered in the days of the Roman Empire. Roman troops were on ships specially trained units, whose task was to repair the underwater part of ships and naval intelligence.In the middle ages the knight in his initiation, had to demonstrate their ability to swim in armor. Amateur first swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. Of similar institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.
The history of the development of navigation has very deep roots.In ancient times the cult of water was all Nations. The people believed the gods that commanded the waters (Poseidon, Neptune).The earliest image showing people floating ways similar to the breaststroke and the crawl, refer to IV – II centuries BC were Very much appreciated the art of swimming. Every year, at Hermione in honor of the holiday dedicated to the God of the sea, and 1300 on the Games, have Istme at the sanctuary of Poseidon every two years, always held the swimming competition.
The historian Herodotus described the feat of a Greek diver of Scillies, which sank in 478 BC the Persian Fleet. In a storm he swam up to enemy ships and cut them holding the anchor ropes which they crashed on the rocks. Returning, the hero swam 5 km and often dived not to be seen by the Persians. In honor of the heroism of Scillia, his countrymen gave him the statue in Delphi.
The ability to swim well is very revered in the days of the Roman Empire. Roman troops were on ships specially trained units, whose task was to repair the underwater part of ships and naval intelligence.In the middle ages the knight in his initiation, had to demonstrate their ability to swim in armor. Amateur first swimming school was founded in 1785 in Paris. Of similar institution first appeared in 1825 in St. Petersburg.
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