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I have read a text that is about a problems that are common in the most of te countries. The problems are following:
- misunderstanding between the old and the young generation
- the influence of the technological progress and mass media
- the absence of education
The author tells us that our generation doesn`t want to listen to our parents. We think that we can solve our problems themselves and we don`t need any help from our old generation. At the same time the old generation on`t understand our "love" for technological progress. The young like to sit in the net and don`t worry about their future. Of course we think that we have much time to think about a future profession and education but as a result we have nothing. We just want to chat with friends and download music. Some young people join social groups such as skinheads or punks that force them to smoke or to take drugs. That`s why it`s very important to realise these problems and listen to our parents what to do and what not to do!