Предмет: Английский язык, автор: tattipff

Переведите из прямой речи в косвенную.
1. “I want to go to India to study its culture,” she announced.

2. “Will you help me to translate the text?” she asked.

3. “I have never seen such a strange man before!” he exclaimed.

4. “What are you writing now?” they asked.

5. “Can you meet him at the station?” my classmate asked.

6. “When does the match begin?” my friend asked.

7. How long have you been waiting here?” she asked.

8. “I created a wonderful device last month,” the scientist reported.

9. “Correct your mistake by yourself,” my teacher told me.

10. “It has been raining since morning,” she said.

11. “May I use your dictionary?” he asked.

12. “We will have finished the translation by 3 o’clock,” they reported.

13. “Were you at work yesterday?” my friend asked.

14. “I’m very busy now and I will call you back in 10 minutes,” my friend told me.

15. “How many girls are there in your group?” the teacher asked me.


Автор ответа: Juliyasha11

1. She announced she wanted to go to India to study its culture.

2. She asked if I would help her to translate the text.

3. He exclaimed he had never seen such a strange man before.

4. They asked what I was writing then.

5. My classmate asked me if I could meet him at the station.

6. My friend asked me when the match began.

7. She asked me how long I had been waiting there.

8. This scientist reported he had created a wonderful device the previous month.

9. The teacher told me to correct my mistakes by myself.

10. She said it had been raining since morning.

11. He asked me if he might use my dictionary.

12. They reported they would have finished the translation by 3 o’clock.

13. My friend asked me if I had been at work the day before.

14. My friend told me he was very busy then and he would call me back in 10 minutes.

15. The teacher asked me how many girls there were in my group.

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