Нужно перевести предложения с русского на английский в Past Simple. Вот предложения: 1. Бил закончил школу в 2002 году 2. В детстве я любил смотреть мультики. 3.Раньше я ел много фастфуда, а сейчас я веду здоровый образ жизни. 4.Вчера на завтрак она ела кашу. 5.В прошлом месяце у нас не было каникул. 6.На прошлое рождество мне подарили компьютер. 7.Вчера была прекрасная погода. 8.В прошлую пятницу мы были в кино, а потом пошли в кофе и отлично провели время
Beat finished school in 2002. In the childhood I loved to watch cartoons. Before I ate a lot of fast food, and now I conduct a healthy way of life. Yesterday at Breakfast she ate porridge. In the past month we have had no holidays. Last Christmas I was given a computer. Yesterday was beautiful weather. Last Friday we were in a movie and then went to the coffee and had a great time. ВРОДЕ ТАК.
1. Bill left school in 2002.
2. I loved to watch cartoons in my childhood.
3. I used to eat a lot of fast food, and now I keep the healthy way of life.
4. Yesterday she ate cereal for breakfast.
5. Last month we did not have holidays.
6. Last Christmas I was presented a computer.
7. It was beautiful weather yesterday.
8. Last Friday we were at the cinema, then we went to a cafe and had a great time.