Предмет: Английский язык, автор: katyaqwerty

Помогите, пожалуйста, написать сочинение по английскому языку. Тема "Лучший путь к изучению иностранного языка". Первое- вступление ( зачем, для чего вообще учить язык) Второе - свою мнение ЗА и ПРОТИВ изучения англ.яз. И вывод. пожалуйста, помогите. 50 БАллов

katyaqwerty: Какой путь вы считаете лучшим? ответ нужно написать во втором абзаце)


Автор ответа: hellenetk
    The best way of learning a foreign language
   The knowledge of a foreign language is a really important factor nowadays, helping many people build a succesfull career, meet people from different parts of our globe as well as communicate with a person regardless of his culture. Learning a foreign language is a tough process but it totally worth it as it will give you a lot of possibilities in the future.
   Because today English is a language used glabally, it is not a coincidence that every pupil has this object in his school schedule. I totally support this idea as I am aware of the benefits it gives. I believe that learning it in school is the best way to ever master it as in the early years of our life we learn things easier and better so they have more chances to remain in our heads over the years. Another advantage of knowing English is that you will be able to handle any situation, anywhere in the world. At the same time, if all the people knew English we could be able to speak about the globalizaton in the full meaning of this word, building a world with no borders and differences. The negative part, however, is expressed in this statement as well. A world with no borders and cultural differences is a disaster in my opinion. We now can realize that every nation is unique, with its own habits, traditions, cultural distinctions and all these things are tied together by the language they use. If we made English a global language, we would destroy these moral values that make a nation a real, distinctive nation. However, I cannot think of any other disadvantage of learning English. It is a really useful language, as well as any other foreign language you will ever learn. It really might help you make a better life, giving you more employment oportunities, and more open doors in any domain of your life. 
   To conclude with, I believe that the best way to master a foreign language is to really want this. There are plenty of ways to learn, like reading, listening, talking or writing in this particular language. Regardless of the advantages and the disadvantages that come with it, I don't think that there can be too much knowledge in any field, including foreign languages. I am a real supporter of the statement: ”The more you know the better you are.”

                                                                    literary property: hellenetk

hellenetk: Какой путь вы считаете лучшим:
hellenetk: I believe that the best way of learning Enlgish, or any othe language is first of all practice. You won't get too far only with the knowledge you textbook gives you. What really helped me to master English was reading and watching youtube videos in this language. In this way I improved my prononciation and enlarged my vocabulary a lot. However you also need to be able to make sentences yourself, and here comes really handy having someone to speak to in English.
katyaqwerty: вау
hellenetk: ? :)
katyaqwerty: ахахахах, ОГРОМНОЕ СПАСИБО!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hellenetk: да не за что :)
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