Предмет: Английский язык, автор: Atanaz

Рассказ на тему Страшная история небольшой


Автор ответа: Катюфка11

Number 1. I was only 9 years 11.Umer brother of my grandmother's (Uncle Tolia.) He lived in a house that's Prestarelyh.I summer, I was persuaded parents drove me to the country, as it was very boring, and the city remained friends) I sit alone at home, waiting for her friends, sewing Barbie odezhdu.Tut calling home phone, take the phone, a call from the nursing home and report that Uncle Tolia umer.Ya in shoke.Govoryu - " well, I'll tell the parents "and vse.Dalshe all a blur .... girlfriend prishli.Igolka with threads of toppled ruk.Nastal evening, parents came and they have already announced the death of his uncle, but I understand that I can not this to say! Here formulate a thought, I want to say at this point say something completely drugoe.Tak skazala.Na and the next day they uznali.Esche zarugali and I have not said im.Vooot .... sueta.Nado was started, and things carry it to us, and to settle all the documents, all I did not penetrated - no child is delo.Privezli uncle's things, of course, we were domoy.Bylo many books that smelled of old age (I can not describe the normal.), but not the essence. Here were all a bit pohorony.Uzhe began to retreat, zabyvatsya.Babushka (sister uncle) said she wanted to make him a good nadgrobie.Sdelali, and yet was not possible to drive to the cemetery and becoming, Dad put on here was balkone.I little mystery ..... The day was rainy, I was sitting at home, playing Tetris) How can you hear the kitchen - pots rattled ..... I breath stolen, do not blink, breathe through time .... lies so minutes 5-10, no sound is no longer there, just rain barabanil.Ya without hesitation, she called her friends (they live in my house, in the first floor, and I'm on the third), we were asked pridti.Dalshe three already chatted besilis , when the pan again, and on the balcony of some noises ... We were there a little boiling water began to write not, sorry! Again sat-afraid, and all proshlo.Potom weekend dad took tombstone and this was no more .....                                                      ПРИМЕРНО ТАК , НО НЕ УВЕРЕНА ЧТО ЭТО ТВОЙ КЛАСС!!!!

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