II. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. It happened on ... spring day. ... village schoolgirl of about twelve was going home after ... school. When she was approaching ... river, she suddenly heard ... cries. She hurried in that direction and saw two small children on ... piece of ... ice. ... minute later she was down on ... ice. Soon other people helped her to carry them to ... safe place.
It happened on a spring day. The village schoolgirl of about twelve was going home after school. When she was approaching a river, she suddenly heard cries. She hurried in that direction and saw two small children on a piece of ice. minute later she was down on ice. Soon other people helped her to carry them to safe place.
it happened on a spring day. A village schoolgirl of about twelwe was going home after school. When she was approaching the river, she suddenly heard cries. She hurried in that dirrection and saw two small children on a piece of ice. A minute later she was down on the ice. Soon other people helped her to carry them to a safe place.