Предмет: Английский язык, автор: meliksetyan02

Памагите зделоть Сочинение-(My Day) английский


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I usually get up at 7 o’clock on weekdays. I make my bed, open the window and do my morning exercises. Then I go to the bathroom where I clean my teeth and wash. If I have enough time, I take a cold and hot shower. After bathroom I go back to my room where I dress and brush my hair. 10 minutes later I am ready for breakfast. After breakfast I put on my coat, take my bag and go to school. As I live not far from school, it takes me only five or seven minutes to get there. I don’t want to be late for the first lesson so I come to school a few minutes before the bell. I leave my coat in the cloakroom and go upstairs to the classroom. The lessons begin at eight o’clock in the morning and they are over at half past one in the afternoon. After classes I go home and have dinner there. After dinner I have a short rest, read newspapers and magazines. Then I do my homework. We do many subjects at school and it takes me three or even more hours to do my homework. Sometimes I go to the library to get ready for my practical classes or to write a report. As a rule I have no free time on my week-days. Eight o’clock is supper time in our family. We all get together in the kitchen, then go to the sitting room and watch TV, read books or discuss different problems. Twice a week I go to school in the evening to play volleyball. I am a member of the school volleyball team and we have our training classes rather late. At about eleven at night I go to bed.

meliksetyan02: Спасибо
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