Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Meri721
нужен перевод на английский язык СРОЧНО
«Синематограф» братьев Люмьер с триумфом шествовал по всему миру, и Россия не осталась от этого в стороне. В 1886 году французы познакомили с кинематографом россиян, а в 1898 году появились на свет первые российские фильмы.
Первым российским фильмом считается картина «Понизовая вольница» («Стенька Разин»). Режиссером фильма выступил Владимир Ромашков, а сценаристом Василий Гончаров. Руководство и финансирование фильма осуществлялось предпринимателем Александром Дранковым.
Фильм «Стенька Разин» был немым, сцены длились буквально минуту, а сам фильм имел продолжительность около 6 минут. Но зрелище для того времени было грандиозным, в «батальных» сценах были заняты около сотни артистов театров, и зрители шли в кинотеатр на премьеру потоком.
К 1910 году российский кинематограф обрел свое лицо. Появилось достаточно много фильмов в различных жанрах – детектив, мелодрама, историческая и военная тематика. В России появились первые кинозвезды - Вера Холодная, Иван Мозжухин, Владимир Максимов.
Следующий период развития российского кино – это годы революции и гражданской войны. Пролетарское искусство сложно было назвать высокохудожественным, тем не менее, оно вызывало интерес даже за рубежом. Одно из ярких русских имен, которое вошло в историю мирового кинематографа – имя Сергея Эйзенштейна, автора фильмов «Броненосец Потемкин» (1925) и «Октябрь» (1927).
Период 30-х – 40-х годов был неоднозначным. Яркие комедии и новые звезды, такие, как актриса Любовь Орлова, режиссер Григорий Александров. Фильмы, вышедшие в то время, в мире были практически неизвестны. Играл роль «железный занавес» и негативное восприятие жизни в России в западных странах. Сами же жители СССР свое кино очень любили. Кинотеатры пользовались популярностью и часто были заполнены до отказа.
Яркие имена в мире российского кинематографа в 60-х - 80х годах - это режиссеры Андрей Тарковский, Сергей Параджанов, Кира Муратова. Известные фильмы – «Солярис», «Два бойца», «Летят журавли», «Весна на Заречной улице» и многие другие.
Еще один переломный этап в истории русского кинематографа наметился в 90-е годы, в эпоху перестройки. Фильмы того времени отличались провокационностью, порой излишним негативизмом. Многие критики и сегодня склоняются к мысли, что история российского кинематографа далеко не закончена. В русском кино продолжается поиск стиля и самобытности.
Автор ответа:
"Cinematograph" Lumiere brothers triumphantly marched around the world, and Russia did not go from that to the side. In 1886 the French were introduced to the Russian cinema, and in 1898 appeared the first Russian films on the light.
The first Russian film is considered to be the picture "Ponizova libertines" ( "Stenka Razin"). The film was made by Vladimir chamomile, and screenwriter Vasily Goncharov. The management and financing of the film was carried out businessman Alexander Drankovym.
The film "Stenka Razin" was dumb scene lasted just a minute, and the film had a length of about 6 minutes. But the sight of that time was a big deal, about a hundred of theater artists were employed in the "battle" scenes, and the audience went to the cinema for the premiere of the flow.
By 1910, Russian cinema has found its face. There was quite a lot of films in different genres - detective, melodrama, historical and military subjects. In Russia there were first movie star - Vera Cold, Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vladimir Maximov.
The next period of development of Russian cinema - it is the years of revolution and civil war. Proletarian art was difficult to name a highly artistic, nevertheless, it aroused interest even abroad. One of the brightest Russian names, which entered the history of world cinema - the name of Sergei Eisenstein, author of "The Battleship Potemkin" film (1925) and "October" (1927).
Period 30th - 40th years has been mixed. Bright and new comedy stars such as actress Lyubov Orlova, director Grigory Alexandrov. Movies that were released at the time, the world had been virtually unknown. He played the role of "iron curtain" and the negative perception of life in Russia in the western countries. Themselves as residents of the Soviet Union their movies were very fond. Theaters were popular and were often filled to capacity.
Bright names in the world of Russian cinema in the 60s - 80s - is the director Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergei Paradjanov, Kira Muratova. Notable films - "Solaris", "Two Soldiers", "The Cranes Are Flying", "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" and many others.
Another turning point in the history of Russian cinema was outlined in the 90 years in the era of perestroika. Movies that time were provocative, sometimes excessive negativism. Many critics today tend to think that the history of Russian cinema is far from over. The Russian cinema continues to search for style and originality.
The first Russian film is considered to be the picture "Ponizova libertines" ( "Stenka Razin"). The film was made by Vladimir chamomile, and screenwriter Vasily Goncharov. The management and financing of the film was carried out businessman Alexander Drankovym.
The film "Stenka Razin" was dumb scene lasted just a minute, and the film had a length of about 6 minutes. But the sight of that time was a big deal, about a hundred of theater artists were employed in the "battle" scenes, and the audience went to the cinema for the premiere of the flow.
By 1910, Russian cinema has found its face. There was quite a lot of films in different genres - detective, melodrama, historical and military subjects. In Russia there were first movie star - Vera Cold, Ivan Mozzhukhin, Vladimir Maximov.
The next period of development of Russian cinema - it is the years of revolution and civil war. Proletarian art was difficult to name a highly artistic, nevertheless, it aroused interest even abroad. One of the brightest Russian names, which entered the history of world cinema - the name of Sergei Eisenstein, author of "The Battleship Potemkin" film (1925) and "October" (1927).
Period 30th - 40th years has been mixed. Bright and new comedy stars such as actress Lyubov Orlova, director Grigory Alexandrov. Movies that were released at the time, the world had been virtually unknown. He played the role of "iron curtain" and the negative perception of life in Russia in the western countries. Themselves as residents of the Soviet Union their movies were very fond. Theaters were popular and were often filled to capacity.
Bright names in the world of Russian cinema in the 60s - 80s - is the director Andrei Tarkovsky, Sergei Paradjanov, Kira Muratova. Notable films - "Solaris", "Two Soldiers", "The Cranes Are Flying", "Spring on Zarechnaya Street" and many others.
Another turning point in the history of Russian cinema was outlined in the 90 years in the era of perestroika. Movies that time were provocative, sometimes excessive negativism. Many critics today tend to think that the history of Russian cinema is far from over. The Russian cinema continues to search for style and originality.
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