Use the proper article. Pay attention to the use of the defenite article when the context or the whole situation makes it clear which object (or person) is meant.
1. ... trees swayed to and fro under ... grey sky.
2. ... air tasted fresh and clean with that special smell, like good bread-and-butter, which means that ... open country is near at hand.
3. "This is Clair Road", she said as ... taxi turned up ... long steep hill.
4. Could you tell me where you have put ... money?
5. "Now, Laura," said her mother quickly, "come with me into ... smoking-room".
6. "How did you like ... film?" she asked.
7. She hurried in again and found ... water almoust boiled away.
8. How is ... weather? I suppose it's as hot as in the Gobi.
9. ... small station was dimly lit by two square lamps.
10. Chance entered ... cabin. Arlie was sitting on ... bed, her eyes wide with ... fright.
11. He slammed down ... phone without waiting for ... answer.
1. the / the
2. the / an
3. a /the
4. the
5. the
6. the
7. the
8. the
9. a
10. the / the / the
11. the / an