Insert the appropriate articles where necessary.
1. ...door is locked. 2. Have you ... telephone? 3. ... telephone is out of order. 4. It is dark on... landing. 5. Do you like ... dogs? 6. Don't tease... dog. 7. Never try to stroke ( гладить ) if you don't know it. 8. ...fountain-pen won't write. 9. Have you got... fountain-pens on sale. 10. Where can I have... coat made to order ( назаказ ). 11. In this store they always have a wide choice in ... coats and... suits. 13. ... suits are ready-made. 14. Where is... key? 15. How many flats are there in... house? 16. How much are... dinner-sets ( сервиз )? How many articles ( приборов ) are there in... set? 17. How much are... dinner-sets today?
2. a
3. The
4. the
5. -
6. the
7. a
8. The
9 -
10. a
11. - -
13. The
14. the
15. the
16. the, a
17. -