Предмет: Литература, автор: nik947

вільний дух народу ще тлів під попелом неволі ndsh


Автор ответа: Аноним

Вільний дух народу ще тлів під попелом неволі", ще із долонь старшого покоління не зійшли мозолі від шабель і молодь рвалася з неволі у Бессарабію, на вільні землі. Там, за Дунаєм, козацтво організувало нову Січ, звідти на Україну, немов контрабанду, пересилало палкі заклики тікати на волю.

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10.1.9 How do you think it
would feel to be bullied? How
can we prevent and deal with
bullying in schools? Read the
text to find out.
Preventing and Tackling Bullying in Schools
Children who are bullied can often feel rejected and isolated and this can affect
their emotional well-being as adults, too. Three types of people are typically
involved in bullying episodes: the person doing the bullying, the victim of the
bullying, and the bystanders who don't intervene or actually encourage the
bullying. Several approaches should be considered to prevent and deal with
Whole school approach
One of the most effective ways to reduce bullying in schools is to involve the
whole school. Teachers, parents, support groups, student groups and individual
students can work together to change children's attitudes and behaviours. By
working together, everyone can be responsible for developing an anti-bullying
school environment.
Proactive strategies in the school
The goal of proactive strategies is to prevent bullying from occurring in the first
place. Material can be included in the curriculum, especially in the PSHE
classroom, by using videos, lectures and written material to engage students in
discussions about bullying. They can encourage healthier attitudes towards
others, change students' beliefs about what is and isn't acceptable, and teach
students to make better decisions. This will help children control their own
behaviour and environment.
Reactive strategies to bullying
Reactive strategies are prepared reactions for when bullying occurs. They
aim to defuse the situation quickly and easily to keep children safe. Children
shouldn't be encouraged to fight back, as the situation could be aggravated or
a child could be seriously hurt. When children have a plan that they can
utilise at these times, they are more capable of reacting in a controlled way.​