Предмет: Литература, автор: Мадлена111

какие верования и предания встречались в сказке ночь перед рождеством


Автор ответа: шдгогигнмиинцтшг
Повесть Гоголя «Ночь перед рождеством», входящая в цикл ранних его повестей под общим названием «Вечера на хуторе близ Диканьки», – произведение программное для писателя: в нем обозначены многие темы, идеи, образы, характеры, судьбы, герои, которые будут сопровождать великого художника на всем его сложном пути. В повести этой создан замечательный эпически масштабный образ простого человека – кузнеца Вакулы, перед энергией которого, умом и трудолюбием отступают злые козни, злые силы, людские пороки и происки чертей.
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are you? At a playground? No! You're on a moun
Mountain gorillas are wonderful animals, but they
become extinct if we are not careful. There are only
I'd like to tell you
they were only discovered in 1902? They live in the
from the world. Mountain gorillas look scary, but really they are very gentle creatures who live tog
mountain rainforests of Africa, so they are quite
silverback looks after his family and will only become aggressive when he thinks his family is in ons
in families and are mostly vegetarian. The family has got a big, male leader, called a
mountain gorillas might be in danger. Well, there's hunting for one thing. Hunters
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chopping down the tre
the gorillas are in danger is that their homes are disappearing. People are
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with something to think about.
Another reason
So, let's see why
W leave you today
He's just a good dad!
in the rainforests for land, firewood and houses.
700 of them left! 2)
things about these gentle giants. 3)
mountains. But why is this work so important? 6).
animals today, is the man who kills the people who get in his way tomorrow."​