Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: lyudmiladmiter
написать сочинение о школе на англиском уровня 8 класса
Автор ответа:
My name is Aleksey. I'm 14 years old. I want to receive a good education and I go to school. The number of my school is 1862. My school is the center of studying. My school is neither big nor small. It is rather old, and also famous in Moscow. There is a school yard around it. There are a lot of trees near my school. One can see a sports ground near it. We have our physical training lessons there, if the weather is fine. There is a school plot near my school and we like to walk there in spring and in autumn. Our school has got two parts and four floors in each other. There are office and some rooms on the first floor. There is also a dining-room. In rooms pupils who study at home ask teachers about different things of our school life. On the second floor there are mathematics and French classes and on the third floor there are Russian and French classes too. On the fourth floor there are chemistry, physics, geographical and biologic classes. In the other part of school there are English and historian classes. Our school also has got a library. The school library is a collection of books, teaching aids and text books. It is on the first floor of the primary school. It is necessary to say about our school hall. We watch and make there different parties. In our school we also learn different languages. I'm sure that it is necessary to learn foreign languages. Knowledge of foreign languages helps young people of different countries to understand each other. I like my school very much. I spent 9 years at school. I studied at school, I had many friends there, and I learnt a lot. I understand that I was happy at school.
Автор ответа:
На английском языкеПеревод на русский языкMy schoolМоя школаMy name is Natasha. I’m twelve years old. I’m in the fifth grade. I study at gymnasium school number 1 in St. Petersburg. My school is the best. My school is a four-storeyed building. Pupils of primary school study on the ground floor. There is a big gym in our school. Our physical training lessons and different sport competitions are held there. We celebrate holidays in assembly hall. All classrooms of our school are light and spacious. There are physics and chemistry labs where we can make experiments. There are new computers in the computer sciences room. Our pupils often win the city academic competitions. Teachers who work in our school are very good. Each of them teaches well and their lessons are quite interesting. Our form-mistress’ name is Irina. She is a teacher of Russian and literature. Thank to her our class is united and exemplary. I and all my classmates often go to the cinema, theatre, museums and exhibitions. During summer holidays I miss my school. I like my school very much. Меня зовут Наташа. Мне 12 лет. Я учусь в 5 классе, в гимназии №1, в городе Санкт-Петербурге. Моя школа самая лучшая. Школа четырёхэтажная. На первом этаже занимаются школьники начальных классов. В нашей школе есть большой спортивный зал. В нём проходят уроки физкультуры и разные спортивные соревнования. В актовом зале мы встречаем праздники. Все кабинеты у нас светлые и просторные. В кабинетах физики и химии есть лаборатории, где мы делаем опыты. В кабинете информатики стоят новые компьютеры. Ученики нашей школы часто побеждают в городских олимпиадах. В школе работают очень хорошие учителя. Каждый из них всегда интересно проводит урок. Нашего классного руководителя зовут Ирина Александровна. Она преподаёт русский язык и литературу. Благодаря ей наш класс самый дружный и образцовый. Мы часто всем классом на выходных ходим в кино, театры, музеи и на выставки. Когда начинаются каникулы, я скучаю по школе. Я очень люблю свою школу.
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