Здравствуйте ,смотрите во вложениях там надо исправить ошибки про Вэльс даю много баллов ,Кто нопишет первым у того будет лучшее решение!!!

No, it is not true. Wales is agricultural country.
No it is not true, there are a few big cities in Wales -Newport, Cardiff and Bristol.
Yes, it is true Cardiff is a capital of Wales.
No, it is not true. You don't need a passport to travell from england to Wales.
Yes, it is true. the Welsh speak two languages.
No, it is not true. Welsh is tougt at school too.
No, it is not true. English and Welsh are not alike at all.
No, it is not true. The English can't easily understand Walsh.
No, it is not true. Cardiff is an industrial city.
yes, it is true. The scenery in Wales is picturesque and wild, but not in the south.
The west coast, mid Wales and North Wales are wild and beautiful.
No, it is not true. Wales has high mountains, including Mount Snowdon, the second highest mountain in Britain.
No, it is not true. climbers visit these places very often.
No, it is not true. it is the second highest mountain in Britain.
yes, it is true.