Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: Storiki141
Повесть «Хоббит, или Туда и обратно» написана всемирно известным английским писателем Джоном Рональдом Руэлом Толкиеном в 1937 г. Действие книги происходит в стране "Средиземье", населенной многочисленными персонажами сказок и мифов - гномами, хоббитами, гоблинами, троллями, эльфами. Главного герой книги хоббит Бильбо - деревенский домосед средних лет. Сподвигнутый магом Гендальфом, он отправляется в полное опасных приключений путешествие вместе с группой гномов. Гномы собираются вернуть сокровище своих предков, захваченное злобным огнедышащим драконом. На пути друзей подстерегают опасности - тролли-разбойники, отряды гоблинов, да и сам дракон оказывается опасным противником. Однако, благодаря отваге, ловкости и смекалке главного героя и его товарищей а также помощи их многочисленных друзей, все приключения заканчиваются благополучно, дракон повержен, нашествие гоблинов остановлено, а главный герой отправляется к себе домой вместе с небольшой долей сокровищ и волшебным кольцом.
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The story "The Hobbit, or There and Back Again" written by the world-famous English writer J.R.R Tolkien in 1937.
The action of the book happening in the country "Middle Earth", populated by many characters of fairy tales and myths - dwarves, hobbits, goblins, trolls, elves.
The hobbit Bilbo, the country stay-at-homea of a middle-aged man , is the main hero of this book.
Bilbo was persuaded by magician Gandalf and he goes on a journey full of dangerous adventures, along with a group of dwarves.
Dwarves are going to return the treasure of their ancestors, which was captured by the evil fire-breathing dragon. Dangers await to friends on their way as trolls, pirates, goblins troops but the dragon in itself became a dangerous enemy.
However, thanks to the courage, skill and ingenuity of the main hero and his companions as well as helping their many friends, all the adventure end happily: the dragon was defeated , the attack of goblins was stopped, and the main hero was sent to his home, along with a some share of treasures and with magic ring.
The action of the book happening in the country "Middle Earth", populated by many characters of fairy tales and myths - dwarves, hobbits, goblins, trolls, elves.
The hobbit Bilbo, the country stay-at-homea of a middle-aged man , is the main hero of this book.
Bilbo was persuaded by magician Gandalf and he goes on a journey full of dangerous adventures, along with a group of dwarves.
Dwarves are going to return the treasure of their ancestors, which was captured by the evil fire-breathing dragon. Dangers await to friends on their way as trolls, pirates, goblins troops but the dragon in itself became a dangerous enemy.
However, thanks to the courage, skill and ingenuity of the main hero and his companions as well as helping their many friends, all the adventure end happily: the dragon was defeated , the attack of goblins was stopped, and the main hero was sent to his home, along with a some share of treasures and with magic ring.
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