Предмет: Английский язык,
автор: lew9
Летом 1939 года советская ученица старших классов Катя влюбилась в молодого немецкого инженера Валерия, который ответил ей взаимностью, но был вынужден срочно уехать из СССР, даже не успев попрощаться. Потом началась Вторая Мировая Война. И кто бы мог подумать, что Катя и ее возлюбленный встретятся на поле боя. В 1943 году немцы заминировали гидроэлектростанцию в Днепропетровске. На разминирование была отправлена русская группа снайперов, которой руководила Катя. У электростанции ее отряд столкнулся с отрядом неприятеля, во главе которого, по иронии судьбы, стоял Валерий.
В 1939 году Валерий (Вернер) знакомится с Катей, молодые люди влюбляются в друг друга несмотря на то, что Катя – русская, а Вернер– немец. Неожиданно Вернер уезжает, и почти также неожиданно начинается война. Наступил 1943 год. Вернер и Катя – лучшие снайперы, но лучшие снайперы разных стран. Теперь Кате нужно не допустить взрыва заминированной гидроэлектростанции, а Вернер отвечает за взрыв «головой». Немцы наслышаны о группе женщин-снайперов «Лесные ведьмы», которую возглавляет Катя. Вернер и его друг Иво направлены к врагу с целью уничтожить отряд во главе с командиром. Для Кати двое ведущих снайперов Германии – одна из главных целей.
Главнокомандующий подразделения снайперов, Алексеев , находит новые доказательства существующих между Катей и Вернером отношений. В день операции для Вернера и Кати наступает момент истины. Разминирование плотины советскими разведчиками практически невозможно, но Катя не верит в провал операции..
Автор ответа:
The screenplay for the film “UNACCEPTABLE LOVE” / ‘beyond WAR’
In the summer of 1939, the Soviet high school Kate fell in love with a young German engineer Valery, who said her affection, but was forced to urgently leave the USSR, not even time to say goodbye. Then came the Second World War. And who would have thought that Kate and her lover meet on the battlefield. In 1943 the Germans had mined the hydroelectric power plant in Dnepropetrovsk. The clearance was sent by the Russian group of snipers led by Katya. At the powerhouse squad were faced with a detachment of the enemy, which, ironically, was Valery.
In 1939, Valery (Werner) meets with Katya, the young people fall in love with each other despite the fact that Katya is Russian, and Werner, a German. Suddenly Werner was leaving, and almost as suddenly the war begins. Came 1943. Werner and Katya – best snipers but the best snipers from different countries. Now Kate you need to avoid the bomb hydroelectric plants, as Werner is responsible for the explosion of the "head". The Germans heard about a group of women snipers "Forest witches", headed by Kate. Werner and his friend Ivo sent by the enemy to destroy the detachment headed by a commander. For Katya two top snipers in Germany – one of the main objectives.
Chief of the division of snipers, Alekseev , finds new evidence available between Katja and Werner relations. To-day operations of Werner and Katie the moment of truth. The clearance of the dam Soviet intelligence agents is almost impossible, but Kate did not believe in the failure of the operation.. держи
In the summer of 1939, the Soviet high school Kate fell in love with a young German engineer Valery, who said her affection, but was forced to urgently leave the USSR, not even time to say goodbye. Then came the Second World War. And who would have thought that Kate and her lover meet on the battlefield. In 1943 the Germans had mined the hydroelectric power plant in Dnepropetrovsk. The clearance was sent by the Russian group of snipers led by Katya. At the powerhouse squad were faced with a detachment of the enemy, which, ironically, was Valery.
In 1939, Valery (Werner) meets with Katya, the young people fall in love with each other despite the fact that Katya is Russian, and Werner, a German. Suddenly Werner was leaving, and almost as suddenly the war begins. Came 1943. Werner and Katya – best snipers but the best snipers from different countries. Now Kate you need to avoid the bomb hydroelectric plants, as Werner is responsible for the explosion of the "head". The Germans heard about a group of women snipers "Forest witches", headed by Kate. Werner and his friend Ivo sent by the enemy to destroy the detachment headed by a commander. For Katya two top snipers in Germany – one of the main objectives.
Chief of the division of snipers, Alekseev , finds new evidence available between Katja and Werner relations. To-day operations of Werner and Katie the moment of truth. The clearance of the dam Soviet intelligence agents is almost impossible, but Kate did not believe in the failure of the operation.. держи
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