Предмет: Русский язык, автор: Alina2277

Поманите упор 513 мне надо сделать первое и второе задание а третий не надо ( заранее спасибо)



Автор ответа: vlad20063
Не давши слова, крепись, а давши, держись.
Не зная брода, не суйся в воду.
Не убив медведя, шкуры не продают.
Не поглядев в святцы, да и бух в колокола.

Дождь лил не переставая
Не умолкая бились волны о прИбрежные скалы.
Лесник замолчал, недоумевая по-поводу внезапного исчезновения своего собеседника.
Затаившись, не шевелясь, охотник следил за опасным зверем.
Вся семья трудилась, не покладая рук, стремясь вовремя управиться с полевыми работами.
Проводник раздражался, негодуя на недисциплинированность геологов. 
Мы можем идти по широким равнинам, идти не встречаясь в пути...
Частица НЕ с глаголами пишется РАЗДЕЛЬНО!!!

Alina2277: спасибо
vlad20063: НЕ ЗА ЧТО! Удачи в учёбе!!!
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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ! Перевидите текст максимально КОРРЕКТНО !
A person’s home is as much a reflection of his personality as the clothes he wears; the food he eats and the
friends with whom he spends his time. Depending on personality, how people see themselves and how they allow
others to see them most have in mind an “ ideal home” .
But in general, and especially for the students or new
wage earners, there are practical limitations of cash and
location on the way of achieving that idea.
Cash shortage, in fact, often means that the only way
of getting along when you leave school is to stay at home
for a while until things improve financially. There are obvious advantages to living at home: personal laundry isusually done along w ith the family wash, meals are provided and you pay a minimum rent for it if any at ail.
On the other hand, much depends on how a fam ily gets
on. Do your parents like your friends? Are you prepared
to be tolerant when your parents ask where you are going
in the evening and what time you expect to be back?
If you don’t like the idea of living with the fam ily the
possibilities are well-known to you already. You can find a
good landlady and rent a room till you make enough money to buy a fiat or a house of your own.
Most families in Britain live in their own houses,
rather than in flats or apartments. The houses are not always very big, and they are often built very close together. You may want to live in a detached house (the
house of your own) or in a semidetached house (two
houses under one roof). Many people live in the so-called
“terraced houses” ,usually two-storeyed houses that are in
a long line, connected to each other. Each entry here belongs to one owner and is considered to be a house

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