Предмет: Английский язык, автор: vitalik19991010

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Гадкий утёнок
В зарослях лопуха на старой усадьбе утка высиживала яйца. Все уже вылупились Только последнее, самое большое яйцо, осталось целым. Но пришел и его черед: из яйца вывалился огромный некрасивый птенец. Мать вместе со всеми детьми отправилась к канаве- все плавали прекрасно. Значит, птенец все-таки был утенком. На птичьем дворе утки стали клевать безобразного птенца и смеяться над ним. Мать пыталась его защитить, но куры и утки продолжали издеваться. Не выдержал такого отношения утенок, сбежал с птичьего двора. Он очутился в болоте, где жили дикие утки, но и они не захотели признать его своим. Дикие гусаки посмеялись над его безобразием. К ночи он добрался до избушки, где жила старушка с котом и курицей. Животные недружелюбно отнеслись к гостю, так считали себя самыми умными. Ушел от них утенок... Между тем наступила осень, дни стали холодными. Однажды птенец увидел стаю белоснежных птиц с длинными гибкими шеями. Пришла зима. Мимо проходил крестьянин, спас его и принес домой отогревать. Но и у него утенок не прижился. Пришла весна. Утенок увидел лебедей и кинулся им навстречу, решил, что лучше пусть эти красивые птицы убьют его, чем терпеть щипки кур и уток да замерзать зимой. Он опустил голову и увидел собственное отражение - из воды на него смотрел прекрасный лебедь!


Автор ответа: SkyTro

In the thickets of burdock on old manor hatched duck eggs. All have only recently hatched, the largest egg remained intact. But come, and his turn: the egg fell out huge ugly chick. Mother together with all the children went to the ditch, all swam great. So, the chick was still a duck. The poultry yard ducks are ugly chicks to peck and laugh at him. Mother tried to protect him, but chickens and ducks continued to scoff. Could not stand this attitude duckling escaped with chicken yard. He found himself in a swamp inhabited by wild ducks, but they were not willing to admit his own. Wild gander laughed at his ugliness. By night he got to the hut, where an old woman lived with a cat and chicken. Animals hostile attitude to guests, consider themselves the smartest. Ducking away from them ... Meanwhile, come autumn, the days were cold. One chick saw a pack of white birds with long, flexible necks. Winter came. Passed by the farmer, saved it and brought it home to warm. But he did not duck stuck. Spring has arrived. Duckling saw swans and rushed out to meet them, he decided that it was better let these beautiful birds will kill him than to suffer plucking chickens and ducks so freezing in the winter. He lowered his head and saw his own reflection - from the water it looked beautiful swan!
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Автор ответа: Шахоб

Ugly duckling In the thickets of burdock on old manor hatched duck eggs. All have only recently hatched, the largest egg remained intact. But come, and his turn: the egg fell out huge ugly chick. Mother together with all the children went to the ditch, all swam great. So, the chick was still a duck. The poultry yard ducks are ugly chicks to peck and laugh at him. Mother tried to protect him, but chickens and ducks continued to scoff. Could not stand this attitude duckling escaped with chicken yard. He found himself in a swamp inhabited by wild ducks, but they were not willing to admit his own. Wild gander laughed at his ugliness. By night he got to the hut, where an old woman lived with a cat and chicken. Animals hostile attitude to guests, consider themselves the smartest. Ducking away from them ... Meanwhile, come autumn, the days were cold. One chick saw a pack of white birds with long, flexible necks. Winter came. Passed by the farmer, saved it and brought it home to warm. But he did not duck stuck. Spring has arrived. Duckling saw swans and rushed out to meet them, he decided that it was better let these beautiful birds will kill him than to suffer plucking chickens and ducks so freezing in the winter. He lowered his head and saw his own reflection - from the water it looked beautiful swan

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