Предмет: Химия, автор: 1Goga98

Химическая реакция протекает согласно уравнению А + В = С. при увеличении концентрации вещества А в 2 раза, а концентрации веществ В в 3 раза скорость реакции:
А) увеличится в 5 раз
Б) увеличится в 6 раз
В) увеличится в 9 раз
Г) не изменится


Автор ответа: mg58
V₁ = K[A]x[B]
V₂ = K2[A]x3[B]
Увеличится в 6 раз.

Ответ: Б)
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ii. Открыть скобки и использовать правильное время
Aunt Dorothy
“What on earth_________ (you, think) _________ (you, do)?” _________ (come) the _________ (split) cry from the top of the stairs. There was no doubt about it – I had once more been caught in a most _________ (embarrass) situation by my Aunt Dorothy, the only one of
my seven aunts whom, traditionally, I _________ (always, try) _________ (avoid) _________ (for/since) the day I learnt to crawl. The reason for this was simple: whenever, as a small girl, I _________(involve passive) in some doubtful activity, fate _________ (generally, arrange) that she _________ (be) the one who _________ (discover) me at the worst possible moment. I _________ (still, think) that, _________ (I, be) a boy, she _________ (not, may react) in the same way but, even on herbest days, Aunt Dorothy, who _________ (die) in tragic circumstances on my twenty-first birthday, _________ (look) like some mythical _________ (breath) dragon that was on the point of _________ (launch) a merciless attack on the entire male species, and she _________ (never, can, accept) that a niece of hers should have tomboy tendencies. “Nice girls,” she _________ (repeat) to me at least a dozen times day, _________ (behave) like young ladies, and not like horribly muddy little schoolboys who _________ (look) as if they _________ (just, come off) the rugby field.” _________ (during/while) I _________ (stand) there at the bottom of the stairs, _________ (wish) I _________ (be) on another planet, I _________ (realise) that luck was definitely not on my side. Conspiring against me were my _________ (drip) raincoat – it _________ (rain) hard for over an hour – my mud ________ (cover) boots – I _________ (take) theshort way back across three _________ (plough) fields – and my bucket, which _________ (overflow) with dirty water – if I _________ (tell) her it was full of tadpoles, she _________ (probably, go) hysterical. In addition to which, there was my four-legged and ever-faithful companion, Rags, who totally oblivious of the imminent storm that _________ (about, burst) inside the house, _________ (keep) _________(shake) the excess muddy water off herself in close proximity to some re_________ (apply) wallpaper. I _________(already, know) in advance that I _________ (must/have to, clean up) the mess myself as soon as I _________ (get) changed but, in the meantime, I could sense that my dear Aunt Dorothy _________ (prepare) herself _________ (launch) into her inevitable sarcastic attack. I _________ (not, need, wait) long. “My dear child,” she _________ (bellow) at me like a bull that _________ (just, make up) its mind _________(charge), “I _________ (never, see) anything so disgusting in all my life. _________ (you, like) _________ (explain) exactly why you bear a _________ (strike) resemblance to an underwater explorer who _________ (lose) his diving suit?”​
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