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Балтик: Прости если не верно
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: svisovasa484
Once upon a time," said a Linnet"there was an honest fellow named Hans"Was he famous?" asked a Water-Rat. "No," answered the Linnet, "I don't think he was famous at all, but he had a kind heart and a funny, round, good-humoured face. He lived in a small cottage all by himself, and every day he worked in his garden. In all the country-side there was no garden so lovely as his. Different flowers grew there, and they bloomed or blossomed, so that there were always beautiful things to look at." Hans had many friends, but the most devoted friend of all was big Hugh[hju: l, the Miller. Indeed, so devoted was the rich Miller to Hans, that he would never go by his garden without filling his pockets with plums and apples if it was the fruit season. "Real friends should have everything in common", the Miller used to say, and little Hans nodded and smiled, and felt very proud of having a friend with such noble ideas. Sometimes, indeed, the neighbours thought it was strange that the rich Miller never gave little Hans anything in returns, a though he had a hundred sacks of flour in his mill, and six cows, and many sheep; but Hans never troubled his head about these things, and nothing gave him a greater pleasure than to listen to all the wonderful things the Miller said about the unselfishness of true friendship So little Hans worked away in his garden. During the spring, the summer, and the autumn he was very happy, but when the winter came, and he had neither fruit nor flowers to bring to the market, he suffered' a lot from cold and hunger, and often had to go to bed without any supper. In winter, he was very lonely, as the Miller never came to see him"There is no good in my visits to Hans while there is snow," the Miller said to his Wife, "because when people are in trouble, no visitor should bother them. This is my idea about friendship, and I am sure I am right. So I shall wait till the spring comes, and then I shall visit him, and he will be able to give me a large basket of roses, and that will make him so happy. "You are certainly very thoughtful about others answered the Wife, as she sat in her comfortable arm-chair by the fire, "very thoughtful indeed. It is quite a pleasure to hear you talk about friendship!"РИСИ ХАРАКТЕРУ СРОЧНОООООООООО
Предмет: Математика, автор: nikaavrameenko
Предмет: Українська мова, автор: galajinna
Предмет: Литература, автор: Аноним
1.Укажите годы жизни А.С.Пушкина.
2.В каком году и где был открыт лицей?
3.В каком возрасте поступил А.С.Пушкин в это учебное заведение?
4.Сколько лет продолжалась учеба?
5.Укажите номер комнаты, где жил лицеист Александр Пушкин.
6.Назовите автора и произведение, из которого взяты эти строки:
Молю святое провиденье:
Да голос мой душе твоей
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Вся комната янтарным блеском озарена.
Веселым треском трещит затопленная печь..
9.О ком идет речь?
«Старик высокого роста, бледный, в халате и колпаке» - это…
10.Кто в действительности является непосредственным виновником смерти чиновников во время пожара?
11.Под каким именем Дубровский младший поселился в доме Троекуровых?
12.Назовите имя-отчество няни семьи Дубровских?
13.Как звали няню А.С.Пушкина?
14.Название единственной книги, которую прочитал Троекуров.