Предмет: Литература, автор: chirev2003

сказка про дуб,берёза и тополь


Автор ответа: KuJIbKa
Давно это было. Так давно, что и очевидцев уж нет, а легенда осталась. В густом темном лесу жили дружно много деревьев, кустарников и других растений. Всякому хватало солнца и света. Но однажды ветер занес из дальнего странствия семена березы, дуба и тополя. Семена легли в теплую землю и через некоторое время проросли. Окружающие смотрели и радовались тому, как быстро набирали рост молодые жители леса. Пошло еще несколько лет, и молодые ростки превратились во взрослые деревья. Но вдруг оказалось, что дубу нужен простор, березке тоже нужно было себя показать, какая она стройная. А тополь вообще не мог расти в лесу. Тогда ветер опять взял заботу на себя. Он нашел чародея-волшебника, который помог березе, тополю и дубу найти себе подходящее место, где им было особенно комфортно расти. В сказке ложь, да в ней намек, добрым молодцам урок.
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Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shhskdowpamb
Read the text again and for each gap tick the correct option.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

1. The hotel is very popular ___.
in summer
in winter
every holiday
2. Jason sometimes does ___ to help his parents.
3. In winter Jason is sometimes frightened at night when ___.
there are no people staying
his parents go out
he watches films
Предмет: Математика, автор: Аноним
Предмет: Английский язык, автор: shhskdowpamb
Read the text again and for each gap tick the correct option.

Jason lives in a big house near the sea. That’s not really unusual, is it? But Jason’s house is very big. There are 20 bedrooms, two kitchens, a big dining room for 40 people and a swimming pool, too! You’re probably thinking Jason has got a very big family, but you’re wrong! Jason lives in a hotel.

Jason’s parents own The Jackson Star Hotel in the lovely little seaside town of Barnaby. Lots of people go there in summer for their holidays and stay at Jason’s hotel. It’s very popular! Jason lives with his mum and dad in a small flat at the top of the hotel. They work in the hotel and Jason helps when he is not at school. He sometimes takes the rubbish out and makes the beds.

So, does Jason like living in a big hotel? Jason says, ‘Yes, I like my room. It’s very high up, and from one window I can see all over the town and from the other window I can see the sea. I’ve got a big desk in my room with a computer on it so I can do my homework. And I’ve got my own TV. My friends like staying here because the bedrooms are comfortable, and we get very good food! I like the people, too. They come from different places around the world.’

Is there anything he doesn’t like? Jason answers, ‘In the winter, there aren’t a lot of people here and I sometimes get frightened at night. The hotel is big and empty and it’s like a scary film!’

1. The hotel is very popular ___.

in summer

in winter

every holiday

2. Jason sometimes does ___ to help his parents.




3. In winter Jason is sometimes frightened at night when ___.

there are no people staying

his parents go out

he watches films