Предмет: Окружающий мир, автор: илья3847949

как связаны занятие население тундры с природными условиями?


Автор ответа: svetakosheleva2
В зоне тундры, расположенной в субарктическом климатическом поясе, где средняя июльская температура едва достигает + 8°С и всю территорию покрывает многолетняя мерзлота с обилием болот и абсолютно неплодородными переувлажнёнными и промёрзшими тундрово. -глеевыми почвами, растениеводство в открытом грунте невозможно. Важнейшими отраслями специализации сельского хозяйства здесь являются традиционные занятия жителей Крайнего Севера — оленеводство, охота и рыболовство.
А также народные промыслы; шитьё национальной одежды, резьба по кости....
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Complete the sentences with gerunds or infinitives:

1. Children enjoyed (play) in the park with their friends.

2. Sam's fed up with (listen) to the same discourse.

3. The runner tried (get) a gold medal.

4. We are looking forward to

5. It's no use........ (wait) for him.

(see) our family.

6. You are expected .......(know) the rules in the library.

7. She was fined for......... (exceed) the speed limit.

8. You are not allowed. (stay) here.

9. .....(read) calms me down.

10. Would you mind...... (step) back?

11. These windows must............. (be) cleaned.

12. I managed 13. He is eating healthy food. .(contact) her. ..........(lose) weight.

14. I'm glad........ (hear) from you again.

15. Mark suggested........ (phone) a doctor before....... (go) to hospital.

16............(Lie) on the beach is more pleasant than....... (sit) in my office.

17. An expert is coming....... (show) us how to protect children from viruses.

18. There is a contest....... (find) the best cook.

19. She promised...... (help) her friend... (choose) her wedding dress.

20. It is easier......

(learn) a language by................ (listen) TV shows.

21. You will have. ...(wait) here.

22. Would you like

23. I'd better

(come) with me?

(stay) at home, I don't want........ (annoy) my parents.

24. She apologized for (borrow) my umbrella without.........(ask)

25. He decided 26. It is possible (send) his colleagues an invitation. (tell) the time by. ........ (look) at the shade.

27. He offered (lend) me his car.

28. They might.... (answer) before dark. 29. Did you advised her.

(send) her CV? (answer) the phone and sometimes she lets it....... (ring) 30. She hates......​
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: milana24652