помогите, пожалуйста! Нужно выбрать и поставить в предожение один из глаголов: to tell, to recommend, to advise, to warn) , предложение тоже получается нужно немного преобразовать
Пример как делать
Исходное предложение: Listen to your child
Новое с выбранным глаголом:They recommended parents to listen to their child. еще пример: Really listen to your teenager,
новое будет: Psychologist advise parents to listen to their teenager
Вот так.. теперь собственно предложения:
1)Do not give advice that your teenager does not need
2)Provide your teenager with respect and support while giving up some of your control
3)Help you child to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.
4)Prepare tour teenager to take care of himself or herself away from home.
5)Teach him or her to cook and to manage a budget.
6)Do not afraid to set limits on how much you can financially support your teenager. Psychologist.........
7)Try to be supportive and enthusiastic, even if your teenager often changes his or her mind.
1.They warn parents not to give advice that their teenager does not need.
2. They recommended parents to provide their teenager with respect and support while giving up some of their control.
3. They recommend parents to help their child to develop decision-making and problem-solving skills.
4. They advice parents to prepare their teenager to take care of himself or herself away from home.
5. Teachers recommend parents to teach him or her to cook and to manage a budget.
6. Psychologist recommended parents not to be afraid to set limits on how much they can financially support their teenager.
7. They advice parents to try to be supportive and enthusiastic, even if their teenager often changes his or her mind.