Предмет: География, автор: katyamoroz02

страны Африки имеющие выход к морю


Автор ответа: АндрЭЭ842
Марокко, Гамбия, Мавритания, Сенегал, Гвинея-Бисау, Гвинея, Алжир, Тунис, Ливия, Египет, Судан, Эритрея, Джибути, Сомали, Кения, Танзания, Мозамбик, Мадагаскар, ЮАР, Намибия, Ангола, Конго, Габон, Камерун, Нигерия, Бенин, Того, Гана, Кот-Д'Ивуар, Либерия, СьерраЛеоне
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Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее
1. Her desire is … to Italy in autumn. (to go/went)
2. Your duty is … all these things in order. (to keep/kept)
3. Manager’s responsibility is the activity of people. (to control/controlled)
4. Her advice was … medicine. (to take/took)
5. His main idea was … out an experiment. (to carry/carried)
6. They have no desire me round the town. (to show/showed)
7.4.3. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее
1. You can… a good pair of shoes in this department store. ((buy/to buy)
2. He may… me this question. (ask/to ask)
3. They must …this work at once. (do/to do)
4. She decided not … for this job. (to apply/apply)
5. He hoped … responsible for the project. (to be/be)
6. The English like … armchairs around the fire. (to arrange/arrange)
7.4.4. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее
1. They told her not … out at night in the city. (to go/go)
2. I ask you … the flowers every day.(to water/water)
3. My friend advised me not … the roses so early.(to plant/plant)
4. Mother asked her …. the guests off.(to see/see)
5. I ask you … careful crossing the street.(to be/be)
6. The professor advised her … to this book.(to refer/refer)
7.4.5. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее
1. You have no reason … off your business trip. (to put/put)
2. The businessmen have no intention … the contract. (to sign/sign)
3. My cousin has got a desire … a modern cottage. (to buy/buy)
4. She has bought a pair of shoes … her clothes. (to match/match)
5. He is the very man … this work. (to do/do)
6. He is always the first … the exams. (to pass/pass)
7.4.6. Прочитайте данные предложения. Выберите соответствующее
слово. (Используйте таблицу “The Infinitive” на страницах 120-121.)
1. He was happy … to this party last Saturday. (to have been invited/invited)
2. She deserves …for her work. (to be awarded/awarded))
3. The old lady refused … to the hospital. (to be taken/took)
4. Now he regrets … it.(to have said/said)
Предмет: Алгебра, автор: NEXTGLOBUS