sciences don't perform solo nowaddays - usually they are incorporated one into another and their joint efforts produce amazing results. anyway, i believe that ....... has a leading position and is crucial for the evolution of our society. ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! Мне нужно написать сочинение. вместо точек нужна какая-то наука. Напишите мне несколько предложений
Sciences don't perform solo nowaddays - usually they are incorporated one into another and their joint efforts produce amazing results. anyway, i believe that physics has a leading position and is crucial for the evolution of our society. The role of physics in the development of the natural sciences is extremely high. Exploring the most common forms of motion, namely physics provides the basis for the study of a variety of specific phenomena and laws, which are the subject of other natural sciences. Speaking of the role of physics, we distinguish three main points. First, physics is the most important source of human knowledge about the world. Second, the promotion of human physics provides the path of technological progress. Third, the physics makes a significant contribution to the development of the spiritual aspect of man, creates his world, learns to navigate in the scale of cultural values. The three-building contained in physics always. But most clearly and significantly they appeared in the physics of the twentieth century, which determined the crucial role that physics was playing in the world today ..